Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. See Howard W. French, “Kagama’s Hidden War in the Congo,” N.Y. Rev. of
    Books, Sep. 24, 2009, 46.

  2. See Report of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugo slavia, UN Doc.
    A/67/214— S/2012/592 (2012).

  3. See the tribunal’s website, at www .ictr .org.

  4. Rome Statute, July 17, 1998, 2187 UNTS 3.

  5. ICC Doc. RC/Res.6 (2010).

  6. S.C. Res. 1593, Mar. 31, 2005.

  7. S.C. Res. 1970, Feb. 26, 2011.

  8. See Pierre- Marie Dupuy, “L’unité de l’ordre juridique international: Cours gé-
    nérale de droit international public,” 297 RdC 9– 490 (2002).

  9. Francis Fukuyama, Th e End of History and the Last Man (London: Hamish
    Hamilton, 1992).

  10. On Franck’s theories, see Janne Elisabeth Nijman, Th e Concept of International
    Legal Personality: An Inquiry into the History and Th eory of International Law (Th e
    Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press, 2004), 408– 16

  11. Th omas M. Franck, Fairness in International Law and Institutions (Ox ford:
    Clarendon Press, 1995), 140.

  12. Ibid., 477.

  13. See Chapter 6.

  14. See, especially, Gerhardt Niemeyer, Law without Force: Th e Function of Politics
    in International Law (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 1941).

  15. Bruno Simma, “From Bilateralism to Community Interest in International
    Law,” 25 RdC 217– 384 (1994).

  16. See Alfred Verdross, Der Verfassung der Völkerrechtsgemeinschaft (Vienna:
    Springer, 1926). See also Johannes Mattern, “Problems of Method in International
    Law: Alfred Verdross’ Concept of the Unity of the Legal Order on the Basis of an In-
    ternational Constitution,” in Stuart A. Rice, ed., Methods in Social Science: A Case
    Book, 118– 36 (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1931).

  17. See Alfred Verdross and Bruno Simma, Universelles Völkerrecht: Th eorie und
    Praxis (Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1976).

  18. Arnold McNair, “Functions and Diff ering Legal Character of Treaties,” 11 BY-
    BIL 100– 18 (1933), 112– 14.

  19. Quincy Wright, Th e Study of International Relations (New York: Appleton-
    Century- Croft s, 1955), 230.

  20. See Chapter 9.

  21. See Simma, “Bilateralism,” 279– 83.

  22. Dissenting opinion of Judge Álvarez, Reservations to the Genocide Convention
    (adv. op.), 1951 ICJ Rep. 15, 53.

  23. Garrett Hardin, “Th e Tragedy of the Commons,” 162 Science 1243– 48 (1968).

  24. Ibid., 1246.

Notes to Pages 450–456 555

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