Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 607

Community, international, 211, 299– 300,
373, 399, 407, 423; collective will of, 230,
253, 379– 380; positivist criticism of,
238– 239, 249, 417– 418, 470– 471;
mainstream positivist view of, 249– 251;
solidarist view of, 261, 285, 292– 297,
296, 378, 425, 426, 427, 452, 453– 454,
457; membership of, 299– 300, 310– 312;
F. F. Martens on, 309; and neutrality,
394; socialist criticism of, 420; peremp-
tory norms and, 432; Th ird World and,
432– 434; and universal jurisdiction,

  1. See also Barbarian states; Civilized
    states; Common juridical conscience;
    Community, human; Constitutionalism;
    Equality of states, principle of;
    Humanitarian intervention; In e qual ity
    of states; Legislation, international;
    Natural law; Natural sociability,
    principle of; Opinio juris; Peremptory
    norms; Quasi- sovereignty; Savage states;
    Solidarism; Stoics and stoicism; World
    Comte, Auguste, 222– 223, 227– 228, 256,
    275– 276, 286, 314, 371, 458
    Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 193
    Conduct of war. See War, conduct of
    Confucianism, 21– 23, 39– 40
    Confucius, 18. See also Confucianism
    Congo, 442, 450, 470, 477
    Conquest. See Title to territory, legal
    bases of
    Consolato del Mare, 81, 202–203
    Constance, Council of, 104– 105
    Constance, Peace of, 76
    Constitutionalism, 453– 458, 460, 466;
    Scelle and, 376– 377; Quadri and, 426;
    criticism of, 460
    Consular jurisdiction, 316, 323. See also
    Continental Shelf, 413, 440– 441
    Contraband of war, 191– 192, 197– 198,
    211– 212, 323, 327, 328
    Contract- treaties, 232– 234, 384. See also
    Common- will variant of positivism;
    Law- treaties; Treaties (general):
    contractual character of

Contractual character: of ius gentium, 156;
of the voluntary law of nations, 161; of
customary international law, 185, 194,
200, 232, 247– 248, 417– 418. See also
Customary international law: legislative
view of; Treaties (general): contractual
character of
Conventions. See Treaties, multilateral
Cortés, Hernán, 114, 117
Costa Rica, 275, 325, 333, 447
Council of Eu rope, 471
Council of the Indies, 114, 115, 123
Court of Arbitral Justice, proposed,
332– 333, 354
Crassus, Marcus Licinius, 34
Crawford, James, 414
Crimes against humanity: in World War I,
350; and Nuremberg Trials, 397, 398;
International Law Commission on, 402;
and Yugo slavia Crimes Tribunal, 440,
448– 449, 464; legal defi nition of,
448– 449; and International Criminal
Court, 450, 478; and Rwanda Crimes
Tribunal, 464; and universal jurisdic-
tion, 470. See also Genocide
Crimes against the peace, 397, 398, 470.
See also Aggression: as an international
Critical legal studies, 458– 461, 463
Croatia, 445
Crossbows. See Weapons , proh ibited
Crusades: in the Holy Land, 55, 102, 106;
in Spain, 100, 113; in the Canary Islands,
103; in northeastern Eu rope, 103– 105.
See also Dilatatio theory; Just- war
doctrine, medieval; Muslim and
Christian states, relations between
Cuba, 326, 347, 407
Customary international law, 181, 184, 186,
226, 249– 250, 263, 266, 267, 273– 274,
310, 337, 382, 410, 418– 419, 432;
contractual view of, 185, 194, 200, 232,
247– 248, 417– 418; relation to treaties,
193, 200, 440– 441; as the primary basis
of international law, 230– 231, 236, 416;
contrast to usage, 231; mainstream
positivist view of, 252– 253; legislative
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