International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Non-Aggression Treaty between the Lithuanian Republic and the Soviet Union

Who, having communicated their full powers, found in good
and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions:
Article 1. The continuance of the sincere friendship and per-
manent good understanding which happily already exist
between the Polish Republic and the Kingdom of the Serbs,
Croats and Slovenes is solemnly confirmed.
Article 2. In order to co-ordinate their efforts for peace, the
two Governments undertake to consult together regarding
questions of foreign policy which, in their opinion, affect both
Contracting Parties.
Article 3. As regards other questions of foreign policy, the
two Contracting Parties undertake, in the case of international
difficulties, to proceed to an immediate exchange of views in the
most friendly spirit.
Article 4. The High Contracting Parties undertake to con-
clude as soon as possible an Arbitration Convention applicable
to any disputes which may in future arise between them and
which it may not be possible to settle by friendly agreement
through the diplomatic channel.
Article 5. The present Pact shall remain in force for a period
of three years as from the date of signature, but either of the
Contracting Parties shall be free to denounce it after two years,
by giving the other Party six months’ notice.
Article 6. The present Pact shall be communicated to the
League of Nations in conformity with Article 18 of the
Article 7. The present Pact shall be ratified and the instru-
ments of ratification exchanged at Belgrade as soon as possible.
In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the pres-
ent Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.
Done at Geneva, in duplicate, on September 18, 1926.
(L. S.) August ZALESKI.

4.1254 Non-Aggression Treaty between the

Lithuanian Republic and the Soviet Union

Alliance Members:Soviet Union and Lithuania
Signed On:September 28, 1926, in the city of Moscow. In force until
October 10, 1939.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)

Source:The American Journal of International Law,vol.27,no.4,Sup-
plement: Official Documents (October 1933), p. 184–188.


This pact was one of many that the Soviet Union established with its
neighbors in order to thwart any possibility of economic or political
isolation by non-communist states. Completely overmatched in capa-
bilities by the Soviet Union, the Lithuanian government was still able
to secure a small diplomatic victory with this treaty, as the question of
control over the city of Vilnius—a city in modern Lithuania, then near
Soviet Russia and with a majority Polish population—was not pressed
by the Soviets. Instead, this treaty called for non-aggression between

the neighboring countries, which was a policy that lasted until a bilat-
eral defense pact was signed in October 1939. The Soviets invaded and
incorporated Lithuania into the Soviet Union in 1940.

Alliance Text
The President of the Lithuanian Republic, of the one part, and
the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Socialist
Soviet Republics, of the other part, being convinced that the
interests of the Lithuanian people and of the peoples of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics demand constant co-opera-
tion based on mutual confidence, have agreed, in order to con-
tribute to the best of their ability to the maintenance of univer-
sal peace, to conclude a treaty with a view to strengthening the
friendly relations existing between them, and to this end have
appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
The President of the Lithuanian Republic: Mykolas
Sleˇzevi ˇcius, Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Acting
Minister for Foreign Affairs, of the Lithuanian Republic; and
Jurjis Baltruˇsaitis, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo-
tentiary of the Lithuanian Republic accredited to the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics; and
The Central Executive Committee of the Union of Socialist
Soviet Republics: Georges Tchitcherine, Member of the C. E. C.
of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, People’s Commis-
sary for Foreign Affairs; and Serge Alexandrovsky, Plenipoten-
tiary Representative of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
in Lithuania;
who having met in Moscow and exchanged their full powers
found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following
Article 1. The relations between the Union of Socialist Soviet
Republics and the Lithuania Republic shall continue to be based
on the Treaty of Peace between Lithuania and Russia, concluded
at Moscow on July 12, 1920, all the provisions of which retain
their force and inviolability.
Article 2. The Lithuanian Republic and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics undertake to respect, in all circumstances
each others sovereignty and territorial integrity and inviola-
Article 3. Each of the two Contracting Parties undertakes to
refrain from any act of aggression whatsoever against the other
Should one of the Contracting Parties, despite its peaceful
attitude, be attacked by one or several third Powers, the other
Contracting Party undertakes not to support the said third
Power or Powers against the Contracting Party attacked.
Article 4. If, on the occasion of a conflict of the type men-
tioned in Article 3, second paragraph, or at a time when neither
of the Contracting Parties is engaged in warlike operations, a
political agreement directed against one of the Contracting Par-
ties is concluded between third Powers with a view to the eco-
nomic or financial boycott of either of the Contracting Parties,
the other Contracting Party undertakes not to adhere to such
agreement or coalition.
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