International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Pact of Friendship and Security between Albania and Italy

Article 5. Should a dispute arise between them, the Contract-
ing Parties undertake to appoint conciliation commissions, if it
should not prove possible to settle the dispute by diplomatic
The composition of the conciliation commissions, their
rights and the procedure they shall observe shall be settled in
virtue of a separate agreement to be concluded between the two
Article 6. The present Treaty is subject to ratification, which
must take place within six weeks of the day of its signature. The
exchange of the instruments of ratification shall take place at
Kovno. The present Treaty has been drawn up in Lithuanian
and Russian.
As regards interpretation, both texts shall be considered as
Article 7. The present Treaty shall enter into force on the date
of the exchange of the instruments of ratifications and shall
remain in force for five years, except Articles 1 and 2, the dura-
tion of the validity of which is not limited.
The validity of the present Treaty shall be prolonged auto-
matically, on each occasion for one year, until either of the Con-
tracting Parties expresses, at least six months before the expira-
tion of the Treaty, the desire to enter upon negotiations
regarding the future form of political relations between the two
In faith whereof, the Plenipotentiaries have affixed to the
present treaty their autograph signatures, and their seals.
The original has been done and signed in duplicate at Mos-
cow the twenty-eighth day of September, One thousand nine
hundred and twenty-six.
(L.S.) (Signed) Mykolas SLEZEVIˇ CIUS.ˇ
(L.S.) (Signed) G. V. TCHITCHERINE.

4.1255 Pact of Friendship and Security

between Albania and Italy

Alliance Members:Albania and Italy
Signed On:November 27, 1926, in the city of Tirana (Albania). In
force until November 22, 1927.
Alliance Type:Entente (Type III)

Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,no. 1402.


Italy’s leadership had long viewed Albania as strategically important
for Italian security. Control of Albania’s ports would give Italy control
of the Adriatic Sea and also a beachhead from which to advance into
the Balkans. After Benito Mussolini assumed power in Italy, Il Duce
moved to secure an entente with his country’s eastern neighbor. This
entente quickly led to even closer security cooperation as both coun-
tries signed a defense pact one year later, effectively ending the terms
of this entente.

Alliance Text
Albania and Italy, with the object of strengthening the ties of
mutual friendship and security, having regard to their geo-
graphical position, and in order to promote the consolidation
of peace,
Actuated by the desire to maintain the political, legal, and
territorial status quoof Albania, within the scope of the treaties
to which they both are Signatories and by the Covenant of the
League of Nations,
Have agreed to conclude the present Pact of Friendship and
And have for that purpose appointed as their Plenipoten-
His Excellency, the President of the Albanian Republic: H.
E. Hyssen Bey Vrioni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Alban-
ian Republic,
His Majesty the King of Italy: H. E. Pompeo Aloisi, Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty in
Who, having examined their full powers, found to be in good
and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:
Article 1. Albania and Italy recognise that any disturbance
threatening the political, legal and territorial status quoof Alba-
nia is contrary to their common political interests.
Article 2. In order to safeguard the above-mentioned inter-
ests, the High Contracting Parties undertake to afford each
other mutual support and cordial co-operation; they also
undertake not to conclude with other Powers any political or
military agreements prejudicial to the interests of the other
Party, including those defined (anche definiti) in the present
Article 3. The High Contracting Parties undertake to submit
to special conciliation and arbitration procedure any questions
which may give rise to dispute between them, and which it may
not have been possible to settle by ordinary diplomatic proce-
dure. The details of this procedure of pacific settlement shall
form the subject of a special Convention to be concluded as
soon as possible.
Article 4. The present Pact shall remain in force for five years,
and may be denounced or renewed one year before its expira-
Article 5. The present Pact shall be ratified and subsequently
registered with the League of Nations. The ratifications shall be
exchanged at Rome.
Done at Tirana, November 27, 1926.
(Signé) H. VRIONI.
(Signé) Pompeo ALOISI
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