International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Italy and Albania

French and Serb-Croat-Slovene Governments, either France or
the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes should be
attacked without provocation, the two Governments shall,
without delay confer with one another as to the measures which
each shall take, within the framework of the Covenant of the
League of Nations, in order to safeguard their legitimate
national interests and to uphold the order established by the
treaties of which they are both signatories.
Article V. The High Contracting Parties agree to take counsel
together in the event of any modification, or attempted modifi-
cation, of the political status of European countries and, subject
to any resolutions which may be adopted in such case by the
Council or Assembly of the League of Nations, to come to an
understanding as to the attitude which they should respectively
observe in such an eventuality.
Article VI. The High Contracting Parties declare that noth-
ing in this Treaty is to be interpreted as contradicting the stipu-
lations of the treaties at present in force which have been signed
by France or the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes,
and which concern their policy in Europe. They undertake to
exchange views on questions affecting European policy in order
to co-ordinate their efforts in the cause of peace, and for this
purpose to communicate to each other henceforward any
treaties or agreements which they may conclude with third
Powers on the same subject. Such treaties or agreements shall
invariably be directed to aims which are compatible with the
maintenance of peace.
Article VII. Nothing in the present Treaty may be interpreted
or applied in such a way as to prejudice the rights and obliga-
tions of the High Contracting Parties under the Covenant of the
League of Nations.
Article VIII. The present Treaty shall be communicated for
registration to the League of Nations in conformity with Article
18 of the Covenant.
Article IX. The present Treaty shall be ratified and the
instruments of ratification shall be exchanged in Paris as soon
as possible.
It shall enter into force immediately upon the exchange of
ratifications and shall remain in force for five years, after which
it may be renewed in virtue of previous notice, which must have
been duly given at the end of the fourth year, and for a period to
be determined.
In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries duly autho-
rised for this purpose, have signed the present Treaty and have
thereto affixed their seals.
Done in Paris in duplicate, November 11, 1927.
(L. S.) (Signed) A. BRIAND.
(L. S.) (Signed) Dr. V. MARINKOVITCH.

4.1258 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between

Italy and Albania

Alliance Members:Italy and Albania
Signed On:November 22, 1927, in the city of Tirana (Albania). In
force until April 7, 1939.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,no. 1616.

What began as an entente in 1926 moved to the level of a tighter secu-
rity relationship one year later as Benito Mussolini’s Italy signed this
defense pact with Albania. Italy subsidized the Albanians with low-
cost loans and trained the Albanian military. In exchange, Albania gave
Italy the right to exploit many of its natural resources.
The defense pact soured in 1931 as Albania tried to distance itself
from Italian foreign policy. Albania even signed trade agreements with
Greece and Yugoslavia in 1934, prompting Mussolini to send a fleet of
ships to the Albanian coast as a show of force. Ultimately, the defense
pact ended with the Italian invasion of Albania in 1939.

Alliance Text
Italy and Albania, being desirous of solemnly re-affirming and
strengthening the solidarity which happily exists between the
two States, and of devoting all their efforts to the removal of any
causes which might disturb the peace between them, and
between them and other States,
Recognising the benefits of close co-operation between the
two States,
And once more confirming the fact that the interests and the
security of each are bound up with those of the other,
Have decided to conclude a defensive alliance by this Treaty,
with the sole object of stabilising the natural relations which
happily exist between the two States and thus ensuring a policy
of peaceful development,
and have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
His Majesty the King of Italy: His Excellency M. Ugo Sola,
Knight of the Order of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus, Knight Grand
Commander of the Order of Skanderbeg, etc., etc., His Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Albania;
His Excellency the President of the Albanian Republic: His
Excellency Ilias Bey Vrioni, Knight Grand Commander of the
Orders of Skanderbeg and of the Crown of Italy, etc., etc., His
Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Who, having communicated their full powers, found in good
and due form, have agreed as follows:
Article I. All previous Treaties concluded between the two
High Contracting Parties since the admission of Albania to the
League of Nations shall be exactly and faithfully observed
within the limits laid down in the text of the same, so that there
shall be sincere and perfect friendship between the two peoples
and between the two Governments, and that each shall assist
the other, it being understood that each of the High Contract-
ing Parties shall uphold the interests and advantages of the
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