International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Pact of Non-Aggression and Arbitration between the Hellenic Republic and the Kingdom of Romania

other with the same zeal as it displays in upholding its own.
Article 2. Between Italy, of the one part, and Albania, of the
other part, there shall be for twenty years an unalterable defen-
sive alliance, which may be denounced during the eighteenth or
nineteenth year of its duration. Should no such denunciation
take place, the alliance shall be understood to be renewed by
tacit consent for a like period. The two High Contracting Par-
ties shall employ all their diligence and all the means at their
command to ensure the security of their respective countries,
and to defend and safeguard each other against any attack from
Article 3. As a result of the undertakings given in the forego-
ing Articles, the two High Contracting Parties shall act in con-
cert to maintain peace and tranquillity, and, should one of them
be threatened with war which it has not provoked, the other
Party shall employ the most effectual means at its command,
not only to prevent hostilities, but also to secure just satisfaction
for the threatened Party.
Article 4. Should every means of conciliation have been
exhausted without avail, each of the High Contracting Parties
undertakes to throw in its lot with the other, and to place at the
disposal of its ally all military, financial, and other resources
which may be of assistance in terminating the conflict, should
such assistance be called for by the threatened Party.
Article 5. In any case covered by Article 4, the two High
Contracting Parties undertake not to conclude or enter into
negotiations for a peace, armistice, or truce except by common
Article 6. The present Treaty has been signed in four original
copies, two in Italian and two in Albanian, both texts being
Article 7. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and shall there-
after be registered with the League of Nations. The ratifications
shall be exchanged at Rome.
Done at Tirana, this twenty-second day of November, one
thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven (1927).

4.1259 Pact of Non-Aggression and Arbitra-

tion between the Hellenic Republic and the

Kingdom of Romania

Alliance Members:Greece and Romania
Signed On:March 21, 1928, in the city of Geneva. In force until Feb-
ruary 9, 1934.
Alliance Type:Neutrality Pact (Type II)

Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,no. 2508.


This treaty established the terms of relations between Greece and
Romania. Note that most of the clauses of the treaty were concerned

with how disputes were to be handled between the countries, includ-
ing the establishment of a commission for arbitration and the relation
of that commission to the League of Nations. Only the first article
contains a provision constituting a military alliance as both countries
“undertake not to attack each other or invade each other’s territories
and in no case to resort to war against each other.” The alliance was
reorganized in 1934 within a broader pact that also included Turkey
and Yugoslavia.

Alliance Text
The President of the Hellenic Republic and His Majesty the
King of Roumania,
Being desirous of maintaining the order of affairs established
by the Treaties and of pursuing in all circumstances a policy of
peace and concord,
Considering that the faithful observance of methods of
pacific procedure renders possible the settlement of all interna-
tional disputes without a resort to force ever being necessary,
Being of opinion that it is their duty to contribute, for their
part, towards establishing this principle in practice,
Taking into account the relations of cordial friendship and
mutual confidence and the community of interests and ideals of
peace which have always existed between their countries,
Have decided for this purpose to conclude a Pact of non-
aggression and arbitration and have appointed as their Plenipo-
The President of the Hellenic Republic: M. André Michala-
copoulos, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
His Majesty the King of Roumania: M. Nicolas Titulesco,
Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Who, having communicated their full powers, found in good
and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:
Article 1. The High Contracting Parties mutually undertake
not to attack each other or invade each other’s territories and in
no case to resort to war against each other.
Nevertheless, these stipulations shall not apply in the case of:
(1) The exercise of the right of self-defence;
(2) Action in pursuance of Article 16 of the Covenant of the
League of Nations;
(3) Action by reason of a decision taken by the Assembly or
by the Council of the League of Nations or in pursuance
of Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Covenant of the
League of Nations, provided that in this last case the
action is directed against a State which was the first to
Article 2. Should either High Contracting Party consider that
an infraction of the preceding Article has taken place or is tak-
ing place, it shall immediately bring the question before the
Council of the League of Nations.
Article 3. The High Contracting Parties undertake to settle
by means of conciliation or judicial procedure or arbitration, in
the manner provided for hereinafter, all questions whatsoever
on which they may differ and which it has not been possible to
settle by the normal methods of diplomacy.
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