Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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23 Davis 2010, p. 683:
The first true tholos tomb that survives intact in Messenia is unprepossessing
and dates to the final phase of the Middle Helladic period (Lolos 2008). It lies
only a few kilometers from the Palace of Nestor, near the village of Koryphasion
(formerly Osmanaga)....
Koryphasion is at the north end of the Bay of Navarino. Three more tholoi on the
Englianos ridge were built in the LH I and II periods. The nearby “Grave Circle”
also dates to the LH I period. Of some 130 tholos tombs thus far identified in Greece,
almost half are in Messenia.
24 Schofield 2007, p. 58.
25 Harding and Hughes-Brock 1974, p. 147. At p. 159 the authors state as one of their
conclusions that “the spacer-plates from Mycenae, Kakovatos, and Pylos were
imported from Britain, probably by sea from Wessex to the west coast of the
26 Harding and Hughes-Brock 1974, Table 1, count more than 100 pieces from Peristeria
early in LH II, and more than 500 from Kakovatos in the same period. From later in
LH IIB are another fifty-four from the tholos at Routsi-Myrsinochorion, near Pylos.
LH I amber finds have been much smaller in Messenia, the Grave Circle at Pylos
yielding 8 or 9, and Peristeria one more.
27 Harding and Hughes-Brock 1974, p. 152. The reference is to Emergence of
Civilisation, pp. 467–468.
28 Dickinson 1994, pp. 49–50.
29 On MH horse bones from Nichoria see Crouwel 1981, p. 33; Drews 1988, p. 82,
n. 22; and Dickinson 1994, pp. 49–50. On the bones from EH III Tiryns see Pullen
1992, p. 48.
30 Dickinson 1999a, p. 102:
Use of the chariot might not, in any case, have given much advantage to a
relatively small group. Like Pyrrhus’s use of elephants against the Romans, it
might have caused sufficient terror to play a major role in winning one or two
battles, but surely opposing warleaders would not be slow to work out ways of
dealing with chariots, which can be relatively easily disabled by damaging one
of the horses pulling them.
31 Korfmann 1998, p. 381, reported on pottery discovered in 1995 in a Troy V level.
It was identified by MacGillivray, Betancourt and Wiener as Middle Minoan
32 Blegen, Caskey and Rawson 1953, p. 10:
One of the most important differences between the Sixth Settlement and its
predecessors becomes apparent in an examination of the animal bones that were
collected from the habitation deposit: for skeletal remains of horses have been
identified among the material from each of the successive strata. Our systematic
collection of animal bones, layer by layer, yielded no trace of the horse from
the earliest occupation of the site in Troy I to the end of Troy V. The initial
stratum of Troy VI, however, produced characteristic bones of horses, and they
continued to appear consistently in all the succeeding deposits.
In the horse country of the steppe and South Caucasia people had been raising domestic
horses for their meat for millennia, and in the 18th and 17th centuries BCwere still
doing so. At Jinisi, in Georgia, at least 35 percent of the bones recovered from kitchen
middens are horse bones (see Bendukidze 2010).
33 See Korfmann 1986. Korfmann’s team found a cemetery, poorly preserved, at Beşik
Tepe, dating to the Troy VIIa period. These were mostly pithos inhumation burials,

208 Militarism in Greece

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