Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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Kushnareva, Karine 89, 94, 223
Kuššara 116
Küssner, Mario 135
Kuz’mina, Elena 30, 124, 184
Kuznetsov, Pavel 141
Kydonia 187

Labarna 116, 117
Lafont, Bertrand 66, 74
Lankaran 92
Larsson, Thomas 111, 140, 159–160
Latvia, Latvian 20
Laurion 76–77, 80, 179, 186, 205,
Lavagnone 136
Lchashen 90, 221
Lehrman, Alexander 2
Lerna 80, 176, 179, 196
Leskov, Aleksandr 184
Leubingen 135, 137, 146
Levine, Marsha 30, 33
Likhi range 89, 220
Linear A language 9
Linearbandkeramik culture 81, 124
Ling, Johan 159
linguistic paleontology 26n, 166
lions 47, 198
Lithuania, Lithuanian 20, 21, 156
Littauer, Mary 41, 42–43, 60, 62, 120,
188, 192, 203, 223
log boats 7, 21, 159, 173 n. 104
Lommelev shields 155
Lori Berd 221
Lorimer, Helen 190, 193
Luccone 136
Lullubi 65
Lupercalia 86
Luttwak, Edward 56
Luwian 2, 10
Lycian 10
Lydian 10
Lyktos 187

Macdonald, Colin 196
MacGillivray, Alexander 236
Madduwatta 178, 187
Mahabharata 111
Maikop culture 14–17
Mair, Victor 19
Mallia 75–77
Mallory, James 19, 20
Malthi 183
Manaseryan, Ninna 91
Manda seeumman-manda

Manning, Sturt 76
Maran, Joseph 182–183
Marathon 179, 183–184, 187, 203, 205
Mari 46, 67–69; destruction of 67, 69;
stone slab relief from 62–63
Marinatos, Nanno 75
Marinatos, Sypridon 183, 198
Mariupol 14, 199
Marshall, John 85
Martirosyan, Hrach 225
maryannu113–114, 185
massacres 57–58, 81–82, 97
Matthews, Roger 12
McLeod, Wallace 193
Mead, Margaret 57
Megiddo, Battle of 68, 114
Melchert, Craig 2, 5
mêlée 64–65, 70, 72, 125
mercenary recruitment 70–71
Mercer, Roger 81
Mercklin, Eugen von 206n
Mercurago 167
Mersa Gawasis 202
Mesehti figurines 70, 88
Mesohelladika 80
Mesrop Mashtots 225, 228
Messenia 180, 187
metallurgy: arsenical copper 16, 88; tin
bronze 76, 84, 134–137, 138, 140, 162,
Methana 187
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola 141, 158
Meyer, Eduard 122
Midea 180
migrations 3–5, 21, 234n
Miletos (Milawata or Millawanda)76, 179,
Min of the Desert 202
Minotaur myth 76
Minyan ware 176
Mitrou 177, 179, 182
Mittani 114, 122, 131, 225–226, 235
Mödlinger, Marianne 155, 201
Mohenjo-daro 85
Molloy, Barry 78, 92, 195, 196, 197
Moorey, Roger 40, 185
Morris, Sarah 199
mounted combat 28–31, 60–61, 124,
Movses Khorenatsi seePseudo–Movses
Muhly, James 206n
Müller-Karpe, Hermann 169–170n
Multi-roller pottery culture seeKMK

280 Index

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