Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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Mycenae 176, 180, 184–185, 190–203;
Great Kings at 178–179, 187–188
Mylonas, George 79, 19

Naflio (Nauplion) 179, 187
Nagel, Wolfram 53n
Naram-Sin 64, 65
nationalism 3–4
Naue Type II seeswords
naumacha(“ship–pikes”) 198
Nea Nikomedeia 8
Nebra 156
Nerkin Naver 91, 95, 224
Neu, Erich 117
Neumann, Daniel 131
Nichoria 201
Nicolis, Franco 162
Nilsson, Martin 176
Nizhny Novgorod 82
nomadic pastoralists 12, 18–19, 21, 40, 89,
138, 228; as mercenaries 70–71,
Nordic Bronze Age 111, 156–160
Nors ̧untepe 25n
nose-rings 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 45–46, 59,
62, 224
Novo-Jabalakly 218
Novotitarovskaya 17
Nuristani dialects 133
Nuzi 113, 225

obsidian knapping 6
O’Collins, Martin 45
Odysseus 193, 194
Old Europe 37–38, 137–138
Old Prussian 20
Olmo di Nogara 163, 166
onagers 35, 59, 62, 64
organic disk cheekpieces (Scheibenknebel)
43–45; in Greece 141, 143, 144–145,
176, 184–185, 210n; in Romania
141–145, 155; in steppe 43–44, 141,
143, 218, 230n
Østrup Bymark 161
Otomani-Füzesabony culture 139–140,
oxen 13, 16, 34, 35, 40, 62, 90, 122, 166;
in paired draft 19
Özbas ̧aran, Mihriban 6
Özdog ̆ an, Mehmet 7

Palaic 10
Palaikastro wagon model 177
Palaima, Thomas 193
Pa ̆latca 140

Pandaros’ bow 194
Paphlagonia see Project Paphlagonia
Parrot, André 62
pastoralists seenomadic pastoralists
Pearce, Mark 150
Penner, Silvia 177, 184, 217–218, 222, 223
pentekonters 160, 203
Pepkino battle and burial 85–86, 90
Peristeria 180, 183, 205
Pers ̧inari gold sword 147
Petrie, Flinders 34, 120
Petrova Ves 152
Phaistos 75, 201
phalanxes 59, 61, 62, 70, 74, 98n, 188
Phasis seeRioni river
Phrygian 226–228, 229
Piggott, Stuart 85, 184, 221
Pigorini, Luigi 165
Pila del Brancon 131, 132, 154, 163, 164
Pınarbas ̧i 6
Piotrovsky, Boris 220–221
Pitman, Walter 12
Plataia 30
Platanos 75
Pogrebova, Maria 221–222, 223–224
poisoned arrowheads 194
Polada culture 136
Potratz, Hanns 28
Potts, Daniel 232n
precipitation, annual: on Anatolian
plateau 6; on Anatolia’s Aegean coast 7;
in Kuban region 14–16; in steppe 13
primitive warfare 57–58
Project Paphlagonia 12–13
Prosymna 221, 222
Proto-Anatolian 5–6, 9–10
Proto-Baltic 12, 19–21, 135, 137, 161
Proto-Indo-Hittite 2–3, 5–10, 11, 21
Proto-Indo-Iranian (Proto–Aryan) 19, 113,
Protonotariou-Deilaki, Evangelia 183
Pseudo-Movses Khorenatsi 227
Puhvel, Jaan 2
Pulak, Cemal 202
Pylos 180, 185, 189, 191–193, 195, 201,
Pyrrhus’s elephants 181

raiding (rustling) 31, 32, 37, 47
rainfall see precipitation, annual
Ramayana 111
Ramesses II 114
Randsborg, Klavs 160
rapiers seeswords

Index 281
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