Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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Starokorsunskaya 17
steam-bending 45
Stela of the Vultures 59, 61–62
Stillman, Nigel 60
stirrups 37
Strasser, Thomas 7
Struma (Strymon) river 8
Sturtevant, Edgar 1
Sultanishvili, Irine 223–224
Sumer, Sumerians 35
Sumerian chariots 62–64, 98n, 99n, 109
Suppiluliuma II 187
Suvorovo culture 38
swords 72, 132; earliest 107n; hilting
147–148; Griffplatten147–148,
163–164; Griffzungen148, 163–164,
196; Vollgriff107n, 148–150; Type A
rapiers 77–79, 80, 92–96, 147–148, 155,
163, 195–196, 220; Type B 195–196;
Type C 196: Apa-Hajdúsámson 96,
148–150, 156–158, 196;
Boiu–Keszthely 96, 150, 163–164, 196;
Sauerbrunn 163–164; Sprockhoff Ia,
150, 157, 164; Naue Type II 150, 164;
on Crete 77–79; in Carpathian basin
146–150; in Greece 195–196; in
northern Europe 156–158, 160–161 ; in
northern Italy 161–164; in southern
Caucasia 79, 92–96, 147; rarity in
steppe 220

Tajikistan 141
Talheim 81
Tallis, Nigel 60
Talysh 92, 94
Tarim basin 19
Tartaro river 131, 163, 164
Taylor, Ann 2
TBK culture seeTRB culture
Tel Haror 42, 120
Telegin, Dmitriy 28–29, 33
Tell Brak 41–42
Tell el-Ajjul 120
Tell Selenkahiye 40
“Tempest Stela” 236
Terremare culture 136, 162, 165–167
Thebes (Boiotian) 180, 184, 185, 201;
warrior burial 80–81, 195, 200
Themelis, Petros 183
Thera 199; volcanic eruption date
181–182, 236–237
Thessaly 7, 179
Thomas, Matthias 152
Thomas, Nancy 198

Thorikos 179, 187
Thucydides 204
Thutmose III 114, 205
tin bronze seemetallurgy
Tiryns 180, 181
tj-n3-jj-w (Greek mainland and its
inhabitants) 187
Tocharian 19
Tollense river battle 132
toxo-worgoi(bow–makers) 193
Trakhtemyriv 44, 184, 218
Transylvania 137, 137–140, 144, 146, 152,
TRB (TBK or Funnel–beaker) culture
Treviso province 163, 164, 165, 166
Trialeti 89–90, 94–96, 220–221
Trifonov, Viktor 95
Troad 7; tamed horses in 181–182;
Phrygian language in 226, 230
Troy, Trojans 75, 179, 181–182, 187
Trundholm sun-cart 160
Turney-High, Harry 57

Uckelmann, Marion 155, 201
Udine province 163, 164, 165, 166
Ugarit 185
Uioara de Sus 147
Uluburun shipwreck 202
Ulucak Höyük 7
Umma, Ummites 61–62
umman-manda91, 113, 118–119, 225
Úne ̆tice (Aunjetitz) culture 83–84,
135–137, 150
Ur: Third Dynasty of 66–67
Ur Standard 35, 58, 61, 62, 64
Ural river 217–218
Urartian 114, 228
Urartu 227–228
Urnfield culture 155
Urshu, siege of 117–118
Uruk 65
Utyovka 141

Val Camonica 164
Van 114
Van de Moortel, Aleydis 182–183
Vandkilde, Helle 156–157
Vapheio 180
Vardar (Axios) river 178
Varna 137
Vasconic languages 24 n. 44
Venetic language 156, 167
Veneto (region) 163

Index 283
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