Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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Rassmann, Constanze 158
rathes.t.ha 111
Raulwing, Peter 114
Ray, John 10
Redford, Donald 120
Renfrew, Colin 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 26n, 30,
110, 124, 133, 134, 180
Reviv, Hanoch 113
rider figurines 40, 185
Rig Veda 111–112, 121
Rˇíhovský, Jirˇí 154
Rimush of Akkad 64–65
Ringe, Don 2
Rioni (Phasis) river 220
rivers: names 12, 20; votive deposits in
131, 147
Rørby sword 160
Rubinson, Karen 96, 220–221
“runners” 60, 114, 188
Rutter, Jeremy 206n
Ryan, William 12
Rýzner, Cˇene ̆k 135

Saduga sword 94–95
Säflund, Gösta 165
Saint-Germain-en-Laye 92
Saint-Véran 136
Sˇakkan 41
Sˇalatiwara 117
Salzani, Luciano 163
Sanahuitta 118
Sandars, Nancy 78, 92, 196
Sargon of Akkad 64–65
sariam115; see alsocorselets
Sasireti 224
Sasson, Jack 67
Sauerbrunn 164
Sauerbrunn sword see swords
Sauvage, Caroline 142, 185
Sauzeau, Pierre 193
Säve-Söderbergh, Torgny 204
Schaeffer, Claude 92, 94
Schauer, Peter 163
Scheibenknebel seeorganic disk
Schletz bei Asparn 81
Schliemann, Heinrich 92, 147, 184, 192,
Schmid, Wolfgang 12, 20
Schofield, Louise 76, 180, 195
Schulman, Alan 60
Schwundhypothese 2
Sea of Azov 14, 79
Secondary Products Revolution 33–34

sedentarization 48, 89
Sesklo 80, 196
Shaft Graves 80, 81, 94, 132, 147, 176,
190, 195, 196, 198, 217, 220, 221
Shamshi-Adad I 46, 71, 236
Shaughnessy, Edward 191
Sherratt, Andrew 17–18, 33, 137, 138
shields 72, 114; canopy– 62; bronze
154–155; in Greece 199, 200–201; in
southern Caucasia 90; in Carpathian
basin and southern Scandinavia 155; in
northern Italy 166
Shiloh 73
ships 155, in southern Scandinavia
158–160; see alsopentekonters and
“shock and awe” 146, 186
Shubat-Enlil 71
Shulgi of Ur 41
Siege Rhyton 77, 190
siege-ramps 69, 73–74
siege towers 68, 73
sieges 72–75
silver mines 16, 76, 179, 205
Simonyan, Hakob 91, 223, 224
Sintashta 43, 45
Sintashta-Petrovka culture 43–44, 48, 86,
217–218, 226; bows 88, 190;
cheekpieces 43–44, 141
Skythians 18
Smith, Adam 90, 220
Solomenka 218
Song of Miriam 205
southern Caucasia 13, 21, 219–228; MB
warfare in 89–96; chariots in 90–92,
southern Scandinavia: militarizing of
spearheads: shoed 80–81, 104n; socketed
72, 86–88, 90, 152–154, 164–165, 218,
222–223; tanged 72
spears 72, 132; on Crete 75; in Greece 80,
196–199; in Carpathian basin 152–154,
in Carpathian basin 152–154; in
northern Italy 164–165; in southern
Scandinavia 157; in steppe 86–88; late
appearance in temperate Europe 84
Spengler, Oswald 123–124, 125
Spisˇsky Sˇtvrtok 139
Sprockhoff Ia seeswords
Sredny Stog culture 13
Srubna (Timber Grave) culture 18, 48, 86,
Stangenknebel seeantler tine cheekpieces

282 Index

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