A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

index 965

giovani 58–59, 74, 555–557, 598
Giunti press 654, 658, 708, 710, 715
Giustiniani, Bernardo (Bernardo
Giustinian) 3, 57, 92, 577, 583, 586,
Giustiniani, Leonardo (Leonardo
Giustinian) 577, 586, 616–617, 624,
873, 876
Giustiniani, Lorenzo (Lorenzo Giustinian)
380–381, 395, 399–400, 577, 586,
824–825, 873
Giustiniani, Tommaso 400, 402
Goldoni, Carlo 77, 639–645, 648–649,
736, 854, 856, 931, 939, 948, 953
Gonzaga, Federico II (Gonzaga of Mantua,
Marquis of Mantua) 105, 587, 621, 624
Gozzi, Carlo 643–644, 649
Gozzi, Gasparo 639–641, 643–644, 668,
690, 854
Grand Tour 658, 718, 735, 747, 831, 850
grazie (privileges) 190, 193–195
Gregory I, Pope 482
Gregory, XIII, Pope 172–173
Grevembroch, Giovanni 356, 890, 894
Grimani, Antonio 61, 367, 621, 797–798
Grimani, Fiorenza Capello 358, 367–68
Grimani, Giovanni (Cardinal Grimani)
495, 785–787
Gritti, Andrea 61, 367, 621, 797
Guardi, Francesco 360, 747, 846, 849–851
Guarini, Guarino 677–680
guild system 114–115, 272, 274, 341, 891,
904, 930, 953
and artists 781, 798, 831
barbers’ guild 722
dyers’ guild 905
economic impact 276–279, 292–293,
musicians’ guild 875
patronage 748
Physicians’ Guild 729
regulations 114, 340–342, 345, 374, 664,
780, 910
representation in government 185, 197
and scuole piccolo 426
services provided by 430, 432
silk guild 900, 904, 914
wool guild 911

Habsburgs 59, 68, 74, 79, 100, 112, 115,
200, 202
Hellenic diaspora 462–464
Henry III 563, 796
Henry VIII 628, 868

Holland (Dutch) 77, 228–230, 234–235,
255, 259, 265, 277–279, 280, 301, 309, 327,
402, 785, 840, 910
Holy League 219, 467, 790
homosexuality 64, 385, 416, 495, 508,
543n, 567–598
humanism 2, 572, 713, 952
and Christianity 586–587, 684
and the church 170, 422n, 586
education 675, 678–680, 684
effect on science and medicine 702,
705, 708, 710
and literature 615n, 702
and the myth of Venice 422, 591
and philosophy 588–591
politics and historiography 579–585
spread of 463, 571, 575–579, 678
immigrants to Venice 102, 119, 153, 223,
273, 323, 340–341, 365–366, 449–464,
Immortali (Immortals) 505, 621, 636
Incogniti (Accademia degli Incogniti) 414,
416, 597, 635–637
Innocent VIII, Pope 431–432
Inquisition 75, 172, 365, 409, 411n, 414,
416n, 418, 476, 479, 508, 597, 665–666,
730–731, 735, 737, 802
effect on publishing 628, 637, 648,
665, 668
Interdict 50–51, 59, 71, 75, 107, 173,
177–178, 379, 386, 404–406, 414, 536, 597,
634, 668, 685, 688, 811
Ionian Islands 51, 79, 128, 134, 137, 143,
152, 173, 175, 178–182, 190, 200–201,
203–204, 208–211, 221, 232–234, 237–238,
Islamic World (Muslim, Moors) 412, 415,
417, 440, 453, 455, 460, 466–470, 480,
483, 498–499, 759, 763, 768, 932
Istria 127–128, 131–132, 141, 143, 147–148,
153–154, 161, 183, 189–190, 199–200, 202,
209, 219–200, 222, 225, 232–233, 236, 746,
792, 932, 936, 954
Ithaca 134, 142–144, 150, 168, 182
ius comune (common law) 518–519,
534–536, 541–542
James I 598, 634
Jenson, Nicholas 592, 653
Jesuits (Society of Jesus) 77, 386, 397, 414,
630, 633, 663, 758n, 817
schooling 675, 684–688, 690–694
suppression of 116, 173, 634, 636–637
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