A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

966 index

Jewish community and culture 54, 59,
71, 159, 227–228, 268, 289, 354, 364, 389,
427–430, 440, 452–453, 456, 465–469,
471–484, 487, 498–500, 595, 618,
694–696, 728, 933
Ponentine Jews 476–479, 481
Julius II, Pope 164, 404
Julius III, Pope 409

Kretschmayr, Heinrich 13

lagoons 27–29, 31, 34–44, 46, 101, 494,
743, 746
Lane, Frederic 19, 48, 256, 260, 483
Lazzarini, Gregorio 824–825, 829–831,
834, 835n, 840, 846
Leo X, Pope 170–171, 465
Leopardi, Alessandro 789, 793
Lepanto 61, 134, 141, 143, 159, 212, 221, 299,
467, 633, 790, 793–795, 871
Lesina 133, 147, 191, 201, 207, 212–213, 216,
222, 231
Levant 152, 190, 219, 258–260, 262,
264–267, 273–274, 276–277, 280–281,
299, 301, 332, 354, 451, 475–482, 595, 663,
746, 759, 903, 907–910, 922, 932, 936
Liberi, Pietro 820–822, 826
Libro d’oro (Golden Book) 32, 325,
450–451, 812
Lombardo, Pietro 769, 780–781, 783, 803
Lombardo, Tullio 781, 783–784
Longhena, Baldassare 465–466, 764–765,
771, 811, 822, 827
Longhi, Alessandro 841, 852, 854, 856
Longhi, Pietro 841, 849, 852–856
Loredan, Giovan Francesco (Gian
Francesco Loredan) 414, 635–637,
Loth, Johann Carl 791, 819, 821, 831
Lucca 275, 309, 407, 455–457, 661, 907
Luzzatto, Gino 14, 16, 256

Machiavalli, Niccolò 412, 543n, 546n,
552–553n, 568n, 622, 628
Maffei, Scipione 89, 638–639, 731
Maggior Consiglio (The Great Council)
52–53, 57, 59–61, 71, 76, 108, 146, 148,
183–184, 191, 327, 329–331, 391, 431, 515,
Sala del Maggior Consiglio (Hall of the
Great Council) 791–797
Serrata of the Maggior Consiglio
(Closing of the Great Council) 60,
66, 322, 325, 334, 450, 573

Manin, Ludovico (Lodovico Manin) 117,
688, 842, 858
Manuzio, Aldo (Aldus Manutius) 463,
591–593, 596, 618, 646, 651, 653, 658, 702,
704, 709, 752
Maratta, Carlo 822, 824, 829
Marcolini, Francesco 625, 654, 751–752,
mariazo 616, 620
Marinella, Lucrezia 600, 630–631, 648,
683, 696
Mattioli, Piero 715, 721
Mazzoni, Sebastiano 819, 821–822
Mehmed the Conqueror 138
Memmo di Michele, Zuanne (Zuanne
Memmo) 70–71, 362
Menocchio (Domenico Scandella) 415,
491, 668
Mercuriale, Girolamo 729–730
Miani, Girolamo 385, 438–439, 686
Michelangelo 785, 792, 827
military 100, 112, 129, 141–142, 147, 199,
203–207, 215, 218–220, 269–271, 313, 395,
404, 576, 579, 63–634
architecture 80, 206–207, 761–762
army 57, 93, 95, 97, 106, 112, 129, 203,
depictions in art 788, 794–797, 834
gazettes 655, 657n
immigrants in the military 457–458, 483
navy 19, 30–32, 61, 97, 129, 141, 181,
202–203, 206, 210–212, 219, 256,
258–263, 760, 794
Molinari, Antonio 822, 825, 831
Molmenti, Pompeo 10–15, 22, 30, 603, 773
Monte di Pietà 189, 192, 427–429, 441,
475, 480
More, Thomas 622, 625
Morea (The Pelopponese) 134–135,
221–223, 228, 812
civic status 194
financial status 218
fortifications 208–209
governance 153, 158–160, 183, 186
immigrants 238
religious life 175–176
Venetian possession of 137, 141, 143, 199,
War of Morea 76, 152, 179, 200, 211,
322, 395–396
Morlachs 127, 219, 223
Morosini, Andrea 584
Morosini, Antonio 4, 584–585
Morosini, Domenico 56, 577, 580–582
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