Unit 4: A typical day 51
1 Where do Marina and Misha have their lunch?
2 Which dish on the menu is unavailable?
3 What is Marina’s favourite dish?
4 Why does she not eat meat?
блю�до dish
бифште�кс beefsteak
борщ borsch (beet-
root soup)
вегетариа�н║ vegetarian
ец, -ка (man, woman)
гуля�ш goulash
грибы� в mushrooms in
смета�не sour cream
ждать I (жд║у�, to wait
макаро�ны (pl) macaroni
меню� (n indecl) menu
мя�со meat
омле�т omelette
опя�ть again
подру�га girl friend
ры�ба fish
сего�дня today
тогдá then
то�лько only