88 Unit 6: Идём в го�сти!
Prepositional case
Prepositional case of personal pronouns
Nominative я ты он/оно� oна� мы вы они�
Prepositional мне тебе� нём нeй нас вас них
Prepositional case after o
The preposition o ‘about, concerning’ is followed by the prepositional
case: o рабо�те ‘about work’. Before the vowels a, э, и, o, and y, it
changes to об: об университе�те ‘about the university’. Note also обо
мне� ‘about me’.
B/вo , к/ко and c/co
The preposition в changes to вo, the preposition к to кo and the prep-
osition c to co before some words beginning with more than one conso-
nant: вo Фра�нции ‘in France’; co стадио�на ‘from the stadium’.
Ру�сский гость обе�дает y вас (Audio 1.37)
- Здра�вствуйте! Я Ива�н Па�влович Петро�вский.
- Introduce yourself and ask him if he is the engineer from Moscow.
- Да, я здесь y вас в А�нглии две неде�ли.
- Ask him if his wife is in England too.
- К сожaле�нию, нет. Она� до�ма в Москве�.
- Tell him that you want to invite him to your house for dinner.
- Спаси�бо за пpиrлaше�ние! C удово�льствием!
- Ask him if he is free on Sunday.
- Да, в воскресе�нье я свобо�ден.
- Tell him that you are expecting (vb ждать) him on Sunday. Offer him
your business card with your address and phone number. - Greet your guest and introduce him to your wife/husband, explaining
who he is and what he is doing in England. - Очень прия�тно! Вот вам цветы�! Э�то на�ша ру�ccкая тради�ция!