Mothers and Children. Jewish Family Life in Medieval Europe - Elisheva Baumgarten

(Rick Simeone) #1


Many Hebrew books contain English title pages. In order to enable non-Hebrew-speaking
readers access to these titles, I have provided these titles whenever they were available. In
these cases, I have not used the rules of transliteration adopted for this book. Rather, I
have followed the spelling used by their authors.


Cambridge, University Library

Add. 3127: Customs.
Dd. 68/10: Medical treatise.
Or: 548: Responsa of R. Meir b. Barukh.
Or. 786: Midrash Shoh·er Tov; Issur veHeter miBeit Midrasho shel Rashi.

Cincinnati Hebrew Union College

154: Sefer Or Zaru’a.

Darmstadt, Stadtarchiv

Cod. Or. 25: Responsa of R. Meir b. Barukh.

London, Jews College, Montifiore Collection

134: Sefer Asufot.
136: Customs of the student of R. Yeh·iel of Paris.

Moscow, Russian State Library, Günzburg Collection

1: Sefer Miz·vot of R. Abraham b. Ephraim.
481: Sections of Mah·zor Vitry.
1390: Disputation of R. Yeh·iel of Paris.

New York, Jewish Theological Seminary

Mic. 8092: Mah·zor Vitry.

Oxford, Bodleian Library(numbers in Neubauer Catalog are listed in brackets)

Heb. d. 11 (2797): Creation of the fetus.
Hunt. 404, (794): Customs.
Mich. 9 (1531): Amulets.
Mich. 84 (784): Responsa of R. Meir b. Barukh; sections from Sefer H·asidim.
Mich. 365 (1208): Commentaries on Piyutim.
Mich. 455 (146): Sefer ha Parnas.
Mich. 558 (2256): Customs.
Opp. 31 (271): Medical treatise.
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