Mothers and Children. Jewish Family Life in Medieval Europe - Elisheva Baumgarten

(Rick Simeone) #1
Opp. 59 (1100): Mah·zor Vitry.
Opp. 73 (640): Sefer haTerumah.
Opp. 77 (844): Responsa of R. Meir b. Barukh.
Opp. 170 (1205): Commentaries on Piyutim.
Opp.317 (692): Responsa.
Opp.642 (1106): Customs.
Opp.687 (2138): Book of Assaf haRofe.
Opp. Add. 14 (1101): Mah·zor Vitry; legal rulings.
Opp. Add. 34 (641): Responsa; Sefer H·asidim; Sefer haTerumah.

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale

héb. 326: Legal rulings.
héb. 327: Sefer Tashbez·.
héb. 363: Sefer Rokeah·.
héb. 392: Sefer Miz·vot of R. Abraham b. Ephraim.
héb. 393: Sefer Miz·vot of R. Abraham b. Ephraim.
héb. 643: Sefer Tashbez·; Sefer Miz·vot Katan.
héb. 1120: Medical treatise.
héb. 1122: Medical treatise.
héb. 1408: legal rulings.

Parma, Biblioteca Paltaina

403: Siddur, Mah·zor Vitry.
563: Creation of the fetus.
571: Sefer Tashbez·.
813: Sefer haTerumah, Sefer Miz·vot of Rabbi Abraham b. Ephraim.
86: Responsa of R. Meir b. Barukh.
Pal. 2342: Cures and amulets.
Pal. 2757: Responsa of R. Meir b. Barukh.
Pal. 2897: Sefer haTerumah.


ebr. 44: Creation of the fetus.
ebr. 123: Commentary on the Pentateuch.
ebr. 176: Sefer Miz·vot of R. Abraham b. Ephraim.

Verona, Seminar

Heb. 34: Sections of Mah·zor Vitry.

Primary Sources

Aaron b. Jacob haCohen of Lunelle. Sefer Orh·ot H·ayyim, ed. Moses Schlesinger, 3 vols.
(Berlin, 1912).
Abelardus, Petrus. Ethica, ed. and trans. David E. Luscombe (Oxford, 1971).
————. The Letters of Abelard and Héloise, trans. Betty Radice (Hammondsworth,

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