278 • INDEx
Judaism (continued)
Islam, 68, 71–76, 210–16, 221, 227;
and Islam and Christianity, 50, 75,
235–36; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 8, 50,
54, 69, 162, 235; and Last Day, 162;
and N. Malul, 222–33; and Moyal, 77–
78, 79, 80–82, 198–221; as nondiscrim-
inatory against non-Jews, 204–5; oral
tradition in, 213; as outsider religion,
50; and polygyny, 214–15; rabbinic,
149; and reward and punishment, 72;
as source of law and foundation of true
religions, 160, 161
Judas, 88n167
Jund Filasṭīn, 15
Kabbalah, 216
Kahn, Zadoc, 50, 54
Kamil, Mustafa, 220
Karaites, 112–13, 225
al-Karmil, 90, 106, 129, 185, 190, 192,
196, 231, 232
Kaufman, Asher, 159n85
Keane, Augustus Henry, 28n49; The
World’s Peoples, 142, 143
Kennaway, John, 117
kevuẓot (collective settlements), 33
Kfar Saba, 88
al-Khalidi, Muhammad Ruhi, 1, 12, 24,
41, 45; and afterlife, 227, 235; and an-
tisemitism, 43, 70, 82–85, 92, 153; and
Arab journals, 136; audience of, 48–50;
on Bāb as-Silsila Street, 53; and Ben-
Yehuda, 1, 10, 15, 19; and Ben-Zvi, 123;
and Bible, 43, 46, 51–52, 71, 75,
76n129, 77–80, 84, 161–62, 235; and
École des Hautes Études of Sorbonne, 44;
education of, 43–45, 64, 72, 92; and
Europe, 29; and Gottheil, 11, 40–41, 42,
43, 46–47, 48, 51–52, 53, 62, 71, 76, 77,
86n162, 90, 91, 185; and Islam, 8, 43–
44, 45, 63, 64, 68, 69, 92; in Istanbul,
44; and Jewish history, 8, 40, 42, 43, 46,
48, 50, 51–54, 69, 70, 80–81, 92, 168;
and Jewish scholars, 47–48; and Jews,
12, 39, 162; and Jews’ historical link to
Palestine, 50–54; and Judaism, 8, 50, 54,
69, 162, 235; al-Kīmiyāʾ ʿind al-ʿarab, 41;
and Mendelssohn’s theory, 54–64, 66,
87, 91, 139; and Moyal, 11, 43, 77, 78,
79, 80–82, 186, 198; al-Muqaddima fī
al-masʾala ash- sharqiy ya, 42; and Nahḍa,
26, 29; as orientalist scholar, 44, 47, 72;
as Ottoman consul general in Bordeaux,
62; and Ottoman Parliament, 4n4, 19,
41, 42n13, 92; in Paris, 44; and polemic,
43, 162; and pseudonym “al-Maqdisī,”
“the Jerusalemite,” 136; and rabbis, 60–
63; and religion, 8, 45, 80; and religious
toleration, 153; as representative of Arab
(or Muslim) communities, 4; “as-
Sayūnīzm ay al-masʾala aṣ- ṣahyūniyya,”
7–8, 42–43, 45–92; “Statistics from the
Islamic World,” 44, 47; and Talmud, 46,
52; Tārīkh ʿilm al-adab ʿind al-ifranj wa-l-
ʿarab wa-Fīktūr Hūgū, 41–42; and West-
ern education, 44; and E. Zaydan, 132;
and Zionism, 7–8, 12, 42, 43, 45–92,
162, 166
Khalidi, Rashid, 35, 65n97, 159n85,
194n38, 239
Khalidi, Walid, 45, 46
al-Khalidi, Yasin, 43
al-Khalidi, Yusuf Diyaʾ, 50–51, 54, 89, 91
Khalidi Library, 45, 46, 65n97, 76, 136
Kohler, Kaufmann, 47, 47n31, 62n89
Kremer, Mendel, 100n25, 104–6, 118,
120; “The Enemies of Judah,” 114
Ladino, 118, 189
Lakoff, George, 95
Land of Israel, as term, 15, 17, 29. See
also Palestine
Lang, Yoseph, 104n37
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 183
Late Ottoman Palestine, as term, 16
Latin Catholics, 33
Laurent, Achille, 202
Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava, 212
League of Nations, 238; and Mandate for
Palestine, 45, 241–45, 245n33
Lebanon, 32