INDEx • 281
13, 95. See also Palestinian Arab nation-
alism; Zionism
nationality: and British Mandate period,
239; and Paris system, 243; and reli-
gion, 138–39
National Party. See al-Ḥizb al-waṭanī (Na-
tional Party)
Nazism, 246, 247
Nebuchadnezzar, 180
Nehemia, 78, 217
Nile Valley, 88
Nimr, Faris, 134
1948 war, 245
Nongbri, Brent, Before Religion, 5n6
Nordau, Max, Zionism, 59–60n74
ha-Or. See ha-Ẓevi (ha-Or; Hashkafah)
original sin, 74
Orthodox Church, 212
Orthodox Jews, 66
Ottoman Constitution, 25, 96
Ottoman Empire, 123; administrative units
of, 16n6; and anti-Islamic polemic, 118;
Arab Revolt against, 240; Ben-Gurion on,
121–22; and Capitulations, 22; censor-
ship by, 118; and citizenship for Jews,
39; and dhimmī, 20; and ecnebī, 20; fall
of, 12n16, 66, 238, 239; and ha-Ḥerut,
97; and al-Ḥizb al-waṭanī (National
Party), 220; Islamic identity of, 122;
Jerusalem under, 7, 15–17; Jewish im-
migration policy in, 23–24, 39–40; and
Jewish land purchases in Palestine,
24n32, 165; and Jewish settlement of
Palestine, 178; and Jews and military
draft, 22–23, 31, 98, 107–8, 121, 122;
and Jews and Tanzimat, 20; Jews as
threat to, 165–66, 167; and M. R.
al-Khalidi, 92; lands of former, 242; Law
of Nationality of 1869, 20; and Middle
Eastern Sephardim, 126; military service
in, 22–23, 31, 98, 107–8, 121, 122; mil-
let system in, 19–20, 22, 238–39; and
Moyal, 207, 218, 219–20, 221; Palestine
under, 15–17; and parliamentary system,
25; and poll tax, 23; press censorship by,
187; press freedoms in, 196; Red Slip
policy of, 24, 85–86; and reforms of
1864, 16n6; religion in, 19–20; Sehayik
on, 134n9; Spanish Jewish immigration
to, 53; sultan of, 36, 165; and Tanzimat,
20–23, 24, 25; taxation in, 22, 23, 31;
Turks in, 139; ha-Ẓevi’s criticism of, 118
Ottoman Parliament, 1, 4n4, 41, 42n13,
92, 96
Palestine, 18; ancient Jewish kingdoms in,
40, 51; Arab conquest of, 40; blended
history of, 13; and Europe, 29; European
Christians in, 99–100; and Herzl, 90;
home for Jews in, 238, 241, 244; home-
land for Jews other than, 182, 183; in-
tellectual community and culture of,
135–36; Islamic conquest of, 124, 165;
Israelites in, 172; Jerusalem in context
of, 7; Jewish exploitation of population
of, 76; Jewish historical link to, 50–54,
91, 92, 180, 226; Jewish settlement of,
173–75, 176, 178–79, 229; Jewish terri-
torial projects outside of, 90; Jewish
this-worldly possession of, 162; Jews’
desire to return to, 51–53, 54, 58–59,
60, 69, 70, 87, 173–74, 229; Jews’ de-
sire to rule, 75, 162, 165–169, 173, 184,
223; and Yusuf Diyaʾal-Khalidi, 89; na-
tionalisms in, 235; under Ottoman Em-
pire, 15–17; and Ottoman Red Slip pol-
icy, 85–86; population of, 31–38; under
Rome, 15; between Syria and Egypt, 26;
as term, 18n11; and wealth of Jews,
87–89; and J. Zaydan, 143; Zionism as
danger for, 90; Zionist colonies in, 87–
88, 92. See also Mandate for Palestine
Palestine, Jewish immigration to, 187;
after Spanish expulsion, 53–54; from
Arabic-speaking lands, 188; as benefi-
cial to Arabs, 128; and bribery, 193n37;
from Egypt, 131–32, 138, 179; and
M. R. al-Khalidi, 39–40, 41; mass na-
tionalist, 39; and Nassar, 232; Ottoman
policy on, 23–24, 39–40; from Russia,