Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War

(Kiana) #1

This index is in five sections. Wallenstein himself is indexed chronologically
in the first and more generally in the second. The third comprises named
individuals, the fourth covers other subjects, and the fifth gives the modern
names of places in former Habsburg territories. In the ‘people’ section titles are
shown only for those above the rank of count. Wallenstein’s relatives appear
with the spelling ‘Waldstein’, while Emperor Ferdinand II is not indexed (other
than in connection with his sons), as he is referred to throughout the book.


Wallenstein – chronology
Birth (1583), 6
School at Goldberg (1597), 8, 13
Academy at Altdorf (1599), 8 f., 13,
53, 242
First military experience (1604), 9 f.
Conversion to Catholicism (before
1607), 11 f., 54, 246 f.
Gentleman of the chamber to
Archduke Matthias (1607), 13 f.,
15, 17, 54
Zierotin’s testimonial (1607), 14, 16,
54, 242
Role in the conflict between Matthias
and Rudolf II (1608), 15
First marriage (1609), 11, 15 f., 18,
242, 245, 247, 249
Appointed a Moravian colonel
(1610, 1615, 1618), 11, 17 f.,
24, 25
Military experience at Gradisca
(1617), 18 f., 21, 25, 30 f.,
55, 242
Response to the Bohemian revolt
(1618), 25
Raises an Imperial regiment and is
appointed colonel (1619), 25,
27, 30
Tries to take his Moravian regiment
over to the Imperialists (1619),
26, 31
Seizes cash from the Olmütz treasury
(1619), 26 f., 31, 35

Property in Moravia confiscated
(1619), 27
Military service against the Bohemian
rebels (1619–20), 30
Commission for a second regiment
(1619), 30
Assigned to special duties
(late 1620), 29, 31
Appointed to lead a force against
Jägerndorf (1621), 33
Appointed military commandant of
Prague (1622), 34, 38
Restores his financial position
(by 1622), 36 f.
Member of the Bohemian minting
consortium (1622), 38, 42,
45, 79
Property dealings (1622–24), 41 ff.,
245 f.
Size of lands purchased in Bohemia
(1622–24), 46
Second marriage (1623), 53, 55 f., 60,
68 f., 242
Becomes a count palatine (1623), 69
Becomes a prince of the Empire
(1623), 69
Appointed third-in-command of an
Imperial army (1623), 71, 76
Promoted to major-general
(1623), 72
Besieged at Göding (1623), 69, 71, 76,
79, 80, 92, 252
Proposes raising troops for the
emperor (1624), 73, 76 ff.

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