Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War

(Kiana) #1
270 Index

Appointed as general and becomes a
duke (1625), 78
Musters his army in Eger and
advances into Germany
(1625), 79
Differences with Tilly (1626), 83, 88
Battle for the Dessau bridge (1626),
84 ff., 88–90, 93, 104, 144, 247
Command extended to the Habsburg
lands (1626), 89
Campaign against Mansfeld and
Bethlen (1626), 90 ff.
Bruck an der Leitha conference
(1626), 93 f., 100, 124, 144, 203
Campaign against Denmark (1627),
95 ff.
Attempts to establish a navy in the
Baltic (c.1627), 99, 109
Kiel Canal project (1627), 99
Only son born (late 1627), 60, 110
Contact with Gustavus Adolphus
(1627–28), 100, 136 f.
Siege of Stralsund (1628), 101 ff., 114,
116, 120, 144, 154
Battle of Wolgast (1628), 103 f., 111,
124, 247
Generalissimo of all Imperial forces
(1628), 48, 61, 70, 106
Offered a chance of the Danish
throne (1628), 108, 185
Acquisition of the duchy of Sagan
(1628), 108
Acquisition of the duchy of
Mecklenburg (1628), 106 ff.
Opposition to the Italian war over
Mantua (1628), 115 f., 121 f.,
188 f., 250
Peace of Lübeck ends the Danish war
(1629), 103 f., 135
Opposition to the Edict of
Restitution (1629), 113, 121 f.,
124, 247, 250
Limits of power as generalissimo
(1629),117 ff.
Financial crisis with army funding
(1630), 130 f., 137 f.
Dismissal at Regensburg Electoral
Meeting (1630), 125 ff., 133, 139,
150, 183, 244, 246, 251

Approaches from the emperor to
resume command (1631), 132,
135, 138, 144, 145
Mecklenburg lost as Swedes advance
(mid-1631), 134
Contacts Denmark and Saxony
on Imperial behalf (1631),
135, 197
Alleged contacts with exiles and the
Swedes (1631), 214
Friedland raided by Bohemian exiles
(late 1631), 134
Leaves Prague ahead of the Saxon
invasion (1631), 135
Temporary reappointment as general
(December 1631), 138, 144
Rebuilds the Imperial army (early
1632), 142 ff.
Reappointment agreed at Göllersdorf
(April 1632), 144 f.
Receives the duchy of Glogau to offset
his losses (1632), 145
Does not aid Bavaria against the
Swedish advance (April 1632),
Expels the Saxons from Bohemia and
Silesia (June 1632), 151
Besieges Gustavus in Nuremberg
(July 1632), 2, 153 ff., 164,
167 f., 248
Establishes his camp at Zirndorf
(July 1632), 154 ff.
Battle at the Alte Veste (September
1632), 157 ff., 168, 247
Confronts Gustavus at Naumburg
(November 1632), 166 f., 247
Sends Pappenheim to take Halle
(November 1632), 169
Skirmish at Rippach (November
1632), 169–71
Battle of Lützen (November 1632), 2,
152, 170 ff., 178–82, 186, 196,
200, 217, 247
Prague ‘blood tribunal’ (early 1633),
180 f.
Contact with exiles and the Swedes
(May 1633), 183 ff., 197
Approaches from exiles and the
French (mid-1633), 184

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