Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

and O antiphons, 677
and Rabanus Maurus, 777
and scriptorium of Tours, 917
writings about Vedast, 435
Alda (William of Blois), 906
Aldebert, 446
Aldegund, 983, 984
Alemanni, 23, 205–6, 239, 286, 368–69, 614
Alençon, 308, 552
Alexander the Great, 25, 451
Alexander III, 23–24, 291, 475
Alexander V, 250, 286, 391, 859
Alexander of Hales, 24, 63, 134, 365, 554, 579
Alexander Neckham, 24–25, 79, 331, 472, 594
Alexander of Villa Dei, 545, 616
Alexander romances, 25–26
Alexandre de Paris, 25, 739
Alexandre du Pont, 26
Alexis, Guillaume, 26
al-falsafa, 59
al-Farabi, 644
Algazel, 59, 577, 578
Alger of Liège, 26
al-Ghazali. See Algazel
‘al-Hakim, 278
‘Ali ibn al-’Abbas, 59
Aliscans, 26–27, 196, 366, 425, 428
Alix (Petronilla), 781
Alix, queen of Cyprus, 193
Alix of Brittany, 739
Alix de Thouars, 305
Alkindi, 578
Allegoriae super tabernaculum Moysis (Peter of Poitiers, d. 1205), 724
allegorical psychomachia, 467
allegorical texts, 309
allegorical treatises, 594
birds, 574
in drama, 513, 638
in dream visions, 18, 332, 376, 544, 573
in farces, 338
in interpretations of the Bible, 32, 122, 127, 128
in lapidaries, 524
in poetry, 119, 295, 312, 485, 821
in Roman de la Rose, 412
Alleluia, 599, 875
alleu, 27
allod, 27, 246, 520
allodial tenure, 185
Alma redemptoris, 589
Almagest (Ptolemy), 546
Al-Ma’mun, 59

Index 1876
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