Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

immixtio manuum, 456
Imperatores Romani (Bernard Gui), 111
Impératrice de Rome, 624
imposition foraine, 282
imprisonment, as punishment, 272, 273
improvisation, 455–56
In hierarchiam coelestem (Hugh of Saint-Victor), 461
In hydraulis (Antoine Busnoys), 157, 680
incantations, 577
incestuous father, theme of, 579
incubus, 610
indices, development of, 548
indulgences, 463, 472–73, 770, 854
infantry, 61, 67, 145, 184, 269, 274, 464, 972
infants, 217
and infanticide, 476
mortality of, 752
infirmaries, monastic, 605
Ingeborg of Denmark, 165, 325, 473
Ingeborg Psalter, 406
Ingelheim, Council of, 463
inheritance. See lineage and inheritance
initials (manuscript decoration), 583, 691, 693, 695
Innocent II, 440, 598, 902
Innocent III, 142, 279, 290, 291, 364, 417, 431, 473–74, 475, 554, 755
Innocent V, 474
Innocent VI, 90, 606
inns, 924.
See also travel
inquisitio, 474
Inquisition, 474–75
launched with Ad abolendam, 448
and Albi, 20
emergence following Albigensian Crusade, 449
opposed by Bernard Délicieux, 171
against Cathars, 183, 750
opinions of Clement IV on, 230
role of Dominicans and Franciscans, 301, 419, 520
role of Gregory IX, 301, 419
role in defeating heresy, 520
histories of, 111
inquisitory procedure, 273
and Knights Templar, 902
in Languedoc, 183, 521
excesses restrained by Louis IX, 567
condemnation of Marguerite Porete, 588
burning of heretics at Mont-Aimé, 326
and Narbonne, 659
against witchcraft, 981
Institutes (John Cassian), 180
Institutions (Cassiodorus), 544
Instructif de seconde réthorique, 485

Index 1947
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