Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

instrumental performance, 652.
See also musical instruments
instruments, astronomical. See astronomical and navigational instruments
instruments, musical. See musical instruments
instruments, navigational. See astronomical and navigational instruments
Integumenta Ovidii (Jean de Garlande), 488, 687
intercession, saintly, 852, 854
Introductio ad theologiam (Peter Abélard), 722
Introits, 599, 929
investigations of holiness. See processus canonizationis
investiture (feudal), 462, 476.
See also Gregorian Reform
Ipomedon (Hue de Rotelande), 36, 414, 460, 472, 812
Irmengarde, 177, 562–63, 565
Irminon, Polyptich of, 476
iron and ironworking, 496, 607, 622
Isaac of Stella, 476–77, 554, 654, 902
Isabeau of Bavaria (queen of France), 67, 183, 203, 223, 375, 477, 563
Isabel of Portugal, 380
Isabella (daughter of Philip IV), 314, 458
Isabella of Aragon, 727
Isabella of France (queen of England), 314–15, 477
Isabelle (daughter of John II), 963
Isabelle (wife of Charles d’Orléans), 204
Isabelle d’Angoulême, 359, 442–43, 498, 570
Isabelle de Craon, 234
Isabelle de Foix, 614
Isabelle de Hainaut, 70, 76, 192, 348
Isabelle of Lorraine, 795
Isagoge (Porphyry), 744, 861
Iseut. See Tristan and Iseut
Isidore of Seville, 330, 342, 484, 553, 576, 642, 644, 874
crusades against, 277–80
philosophy of (al-falsafa), 59
theology of (‘ilm al-kalam), 59
writings against by Peter the Venerable, 726
See also Arabic culture, influence of
Isopet, 591.
See also fables
Isopet III, 331
Isopet of Chartres, 331
Isopet of Lyon, 331
isorhythmic motet, 72–73, 128, 165, 246, 283, 306, 315, 455, 478, 574, 667, 733
Issoire, 478–79
Issoudun, 479
Istoire de la destruction le Troye la grant (Jacques Milet), 455
Iter Hierosolymitanum, 737
Itinerarium mentis in Deum (Bonaventure), 654, 735, 799
Iuste iudex Iesu Christe (Berengar of Tours), 110
Ivetta of Huy, 436
Ivo of Chartres, 210, 479, 517, 554, 787

Index 1948
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