EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1



Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) project focuses on improving

the European workplace environment to recognize and effectively address the

occurrences and challenges faced by dual career athletes and coaches.

The project emphasizes aligning
the ethos of the corporate
sector with the brand and values
that benefit from dual careers.
The initiative is designed to
benefit all European dual career

The BRAVA project has two main
goals: creating a comprehensive
knowledge base on dual career
employee athletes and defining
new European guidelines
supporting dual careers in the
workplace, emphasizing brand
alignment strategies and CSR
policies. The project collaborates
with academic and corporate
sector experts, using evidence-
based techniques and involving
key stakeholders for relevant
and effective outcomes.

The Brand Value Alignment
through Dual Career (BRAVA)
project, initiated in 2022, involves
valuable work from the partners
with different undertaken
activities, discussions and
gathered material. Collected
evidence through interviews and
national focus groups, as well
as key statements evaluated
through dual career experts,

were part of the milestones
conquered within the project,
so far.

The first in-person meeting
for 2023 of The Brand Value
Alignment through Dual Career
(BRAVA) project partners took
place at Roma Tre University
on February 20-22, 2023. Key
outcomes included finalizing the
concept mapping process and
refining 50 guideline statements
based on statistical data from
athlete, employer, and expert

The partners collectively
decided the next project steps:
structuring guidelines for
employees, employers, and
governing bodies, developing an
implementation plan for dual
careers, and creating a web-
based platform.

The second in-person meeting
occurred in Ljubljana on May
4-5, 2023. Hosted by the
University of Ljubljana and
the EUSA Institute, partners
analysed Concept Mapping
Results and discussed factors
and statements for the new

conceptual framework in
European Dual Career workplace

BRAVA partners convened
online on September 19 to
discuss concluding resources
and plan dissemination events
ahead of the International Day
of University Sport and the
European Week of Sport.

The BRAVA project was
concluded with a final hybrid
conference, “A Talk in Dual
Career”, hosted in Brussels on
November 12, 2023. An overview
of the project, highlighting the
main outcomes and findings of
the projects, including a report
with recommendations and a
self-assessment evaluation tool,
the values and relevance of dual
career and European values and
priorities in the field of sport,
including the importance of
dual career from the viewpoint
of the EU were the one of the
main points presented on the

Over 30 in-person and 100
online participants also had
a chance to review the 16

recommendations / dual career
workplace guidelines, with the
benefits that implementation
can provide for both employees
and employers.

Prior to the conference, the
project partners met for their
final meeting.

The project is co-funded by
the Erasmus+ Programme of
the European Union, through
the Sport Collaborative
Partnerships. BRAVA is
coordinated by the University
of Limerick, and the partner
consortium also consists of the
European Athlete as Student –
EAS (MLT), European Platform
for Sports and Innovation – EPSI
(BEL), EUSA Institute (SLO),
Foundation Human Age Institute
(ITA), University of Ljubljana
(SLO), Roma Tre University (ITA),
Elite Sports Academy Aarhus –
ESAA (DEN), University of Nis,
Faculty of Sport and Physical
Education (SRB).

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for more information

Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union
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