EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1


The Green Sports Hub Europe (GSHE) project is centred on fostering sustainability in

the sports sector. It aims to serve as a support system for organizations to exchange

knowledge and best practices, facilitating mutual learning and development.

Over a three-year period, the
project seeks to demonstrate
the sports sector’s potential as
a high-profile industry driving
societal change. By focusing
on good governance, it aims
to equip leaders with the
knowledge and skills to prioritize
environmental sustainability in
their strategies.

The project functions as a
platform for organizations
to share insights, leveraging
experts and addressing sector
needs. Through collaboration
with sports organizations and
events, the project partners aim
to translate existing standards
on environmental sustainability
into tangible actions. The
GSHE approach and tools
aspire to become integral to
good governance in sports

The initiative extends beyond
its initial partners, welcoming
sports organizations, NGOs,
experts, event organizers,
environmental movements,
youth, and fans to join the

stakeholder partnership under
the motto “We Play to Renew.”

In 2023, the project focused on
disseminating the evaluation
tool and planning test events for
the year.

To start the year with, GSHE
’s self-assessment tool was
presented at the Sant’Anna
School of Advanced Studies in
Pisa, Italy, in January 2023. It
received positive feedback, with
users appreciating its non-
invasive and scenario-based

In March, GSHE’s tool was
presented to 22 CEV School
Project managers from many
National Federations. The event
was organised on 13 and 14
of March 2023, by the CEV
Development Department and
facilitated by Katerina and Vuk,
both members of the GSHE
Steering Committee.

The tool was officially launched
on Earth Day 2023, with over 50
organisations already taking the

self-assessment to help improve
their understanding of how their
organisation impacts the world.

On 16th of May, an online
webinar was organized in
collaboration between Sport
#WithoutWaste (BG Be Active)
and Green Sports Hub Europe
(GSHE / Surfrider Foundation)
on the topic of Sustainable
Grassroots Sport Events, seeing
50 participants.

The webinar’s main goal
was to investigate and
forge connections between
networks of stakeholders
working on #WithoutWaste
and GSHE events, together
with sustainable events, and
to promote knowledge and
expertise exchange between the

The final meeting in Lisbon from
October 12 to 14, 2023, was
organised by the Portuguese
Sports Confederation to
conclude a three-year effort
to promote sustainability in
sports. The event was part of

the European Sports Platform –
Equality in Sport Conference
by ENGSO. Partners from
different countries gathered to
discuss project achievements,
challenges, and the ongoing
commitment to advancing
sustainability in sports and
fostering knowledge exchange
and collaboration.

The project is coordinated by
Surfrider Foundation Europe
(FRA), with project partners
including Association of Cities
and Regions for the Sustainable
Management of Resources
(BEL), Sports Confederation of
Portugal (POR), UKActive (GBR),
Green Cycling Norway (NOR),
Olympic Committee

of Slovenia (SLO), European
Volleyball Confederation (LUX),
Rugby Europe (FRA), European
Athletics Association (SUI) and
the EUSA Institute (SLO).



Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union

for more information
Free download pdf