EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1


European University Sports Association (EUSA) primarily offers

internship opportunities in the EUSA Office through the European

Solidarity Corps – ESC programme; and occasionally accepts unpaid

voluntary internships as well, but only upon special invitation.

The internship at EUSA is
potentially open to individuals
aged between 18 and 30, for a
set period of time. EUSA has the
capability to host international
volunteers and/or interns at the
same time.

The internship is based in
Ljubljana, Slovenia. It is not paid,
but we provide accommodation,
local transportation, and base
pocket money for subsistence.
Our opportunities and
arrangements reflect the ones
described in our ESC general
profile and project indications.
We are especially looking for
individuals with some previous
skills who are interested
in getting more experience
and working in the fields of
communication and sport

During 2023 EUSA, the
Internship position at the
EUSA Office in Ljubljana, was
occupied two times by 3 young
individuals from France. In the

very beginning of 2023, for one
month, we had Quentin Grivel
and Clemence Enjalbal, students
and representatives of the
Organising Committee of the
2023 Rugby World Cup in France.

Being with us for 2 months,
Emma Carriere did her internship
with EUSA, from May to July.

For Quentin and Clemence,
the internship at EUSA was an
important part of their studies,
with the main aim of putting
into practice what they have
learned in theory, meaning to
put all the marketing skills,
and analysis into work. Back in
France, they were engaged in the
master’s degree on Marketing
and Commercial performance at
the PPA Business School and, at
the same time, worked for the
Organizing Committee of Rugby
World Cup France.

As part of their work in France,
both were doing analysis of
rugby as a sport throughout

different European countries. In
Ljubljana, they expanded this
goal, deciding to do research
on the importance of university
sport in Europe through doing
market analysis and findings.
The result of their internship
will be part of their graduation

Emma chose to do her
internship at the European
Universities Sports Association
(EUSA) because she did her last
one at the French Federation of
University Sport (FFSU), so for
her, continuing with EUSA was
the best way to follow. Thanks
to this experience, she started to
tie a link with university sports
and to learn much more about
this world, as well as to gain
more skills in a relaxing and
resourceful setting.

As part of her experience,
Emma completed tasks
related to organisation of
office work, communication,
and media tasks, as well as

participating and representing
the organisation in events
locally and abroad, both
organised by EUSA, as the
European Universities Table
Tennis Championship 2023 and
organised by partners, such
as the ENGSO Youth Sport
Platform in Sweden. Emma did
this internship as part of her
studies, finishing it with nothing
but inspiration to do more
internships like this in the future,
as well as recommending EUSA
as one of the best internship

EUSA acknowledges the
importance of the European
funding and support in
realising such programmes –
the Erasmus+ programme
for the internship, and the
European Solidarity Corps for
the volunteering programme,
as well as the International
University Sports Federation
(FISU), and thank them for their
help in our initiatives.

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