EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1




In preparation for the next edition of the European Universities Games in

Debrecen-Miskolc 2024, the local Organising Committee welcomed EUSA

representatives and guests to the EUSA EUG 2024 Convention in Budapest.

EUSA’s Executive Committee
Members, Office Staff,
Technical Delegates, and
Medical Commission Chair,
all came together with the
local Organising Committee
members to prepare for this
major universities’ sports event.
The European Universities
Games Debrecen-Miskolc 2024
(EUG2024) were represented
by the operational members
of the Organising Committee,
National Technical Delegates,
and Representatives of the
Hungarian University Sports
Federation (HUSF/MESF). The
event was attended also by
representatives of the previous
European Universities Games
Lodz 2022 (EUG 2022), as well
as the upcoming ones in Salerno
2026 (EUG2026).

The programme kicked off
with the first session being
the EUSA internal meeting on
June 2nd, where Ivana Ertlova,
EUSA Vice-President and Chair
of the Technical Commission,
welcomed the participants and
wished them a pleasant and
productive time at the EUSA-
EUG Convention 2024.

The programme agenda,
Technical Commission and the
EUSA Operational Documents
2024 were then presented by
EUSA Sports Manager, Miha
Zvan, while he also introduced
this year’s European Universities
Championships 2023 and the
European University Games

EUSA Sports Officer, Eszter
Guylas gave an overview
with more information of the
current session of the European
Universities Championships for
all sports.

After the EUSA internal meeting
was concluded, the main part of
the EUSA-EUG 2024 Convention
officially started. MEFS
Secretary General, Peter Juhasz
and EUSA 1st Vice-President
Haris Pavletic welcomed
all participants and wished
them a fruitful and productive
convention. EUSA Secretary
General Matjaz Pecovnik
also greeted and welcomed
all participants, and gave a
presentation about EUSA, its
structures and activities.

The Project Manager of the
Organisational Committee of
EUG 2024, Laszlo Vegh gave
an overview of the plans and
preparations of the European
Universities Games Debrecen
Miskolc, presented the activity
plan for 2023, and the next
steps on project level.

EUSA Sports Manager Miha
Zvan then introduced the EUSA
Sports programme to the
participants of the event. The
role of EUSA Representatives
during the sports events was
explained by Matjaz Pecovnik,
EUSA Secretary General. EUSA
Technical Delegate for Futsal,
Tomasz Aftanski, presented
the role of the EUSA Technical
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