EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1




The European University Sports Association (EUSA) convened its General Assembly

in Kusadasi, Turkiye, between October 13 and 15, with over 100 participants present.

EUSA President Adam
Roczek inaugurated the event,
extending a warm welcome
to delegates from member
associations, partners, and
guests and expressed gratitude
to the Turkiye University Sport
Federation (TUSF) for hosting
the event and their hospitality.

Gathered guests and
participants of the event
were also welcomed by TUSF
President, Mehmet Gunay and
President of the International
University Sports Federation
(FISU), Leonz Eder.

Greetings came remotely
from Spyros Capralos of the
European Olympic Committees
and Yves Le Lostecque of
EACEA. Representatives from
continental sports federations,
including the President of FISU
America, the Secretary General
of the Federation of Africa

University Sports (FASU), Asian
University Sport Federation
(AUSF) and the President of
FISU Oceania conveyed their
greetings via video.

After the official start of the
meeting by representatives of
the federation and organizations,
the cultural part of the
meeting began, presenting
Turkish traditional dances and

Following the approval of the
agenda, the minutes of the
previous General Assembly
were confirmed. The Assembly
took the decision to suspend
the national University Sports
Association from Malta due
to inactivity. Additionally, the
temporary suspension of the
national university sports
associations and universities
from Russia and Belarus
was reaffirmed due to the

ongoing war and aggression
against Ukraine. The Executive
Committee emphasized EUSA‘s
mission to promote well-being
through sports and peace,
condemning violence in Ukraine,
Nagorno-Karabakh, and Israel.
EUSA stands in solidarity with
victims, urging an immediate
end to violence.

The EUSA Executive Committee
informed the Assembly
about the strong interest of
universities in becoming EUSA
Associated Members, and the
Assembly approved the granting
of EUSA Associated Member
status to 82 universities from 17
countries. Symbolic certificates
were presented to the attending
rectors. The complete list is
available on the EUSA website.

The Executive Committee
presented the 2021-2022
Report, noting the unfortunate

cancellation of the European
Universities Games in Belgrade
due to Covid-19. They
highlighted the success of the
European Universities Games in
Lodz 2022, which featured 20
sports with 4,459 participants
from 417 universities
across 37 countries. The
European Universities Rowing
Championship in Istanbul was
also highlighted as an example
of a successful sporting event.

The report covered diverse
activities, projects, and
educational events, co-funded
by the Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union and
supported by FISU, addressing
topics like anti-doping, dual
career, equal opportunities,
good governance, safeguarding,
skills development, mobility,
traineeships, volunteering, and
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