EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1

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to continue building their
professional careers.

Later in the year, November
was the time when two other
webinars were organized
and implemented by EUSA,
the Webinar for European
Universities Games 2028
Candidate Cities and the EUSA-
NUSA webinar.

Webinar for European

Universities Games

2028 Candidate Cities

This insightful webinar was
hosted on 29th of November,
gathering representatives
of EUSA Staff, as well as
representatives of the EUG 2028
host city candidates, Split (CRO),
Granada (ESP) and Manisa (TUR).

The main aim of the webinar
was to give a detailed
presentation of the next steps
of the flow of the bidding
procedure, the general concept
as well as easier preparation of
the bidding book.

Details about the attribution
procedure, the organization
requirements, and the
expectations we also presented
for the candidates.

EUSA-NUSA webinar
On November 30, the European
University Sports Association
hosted an insightful EUSA-
NUSA online meeting in the
form of a webinar, having as
the main topic, the upcoming
European Universities Winter
Championships 2023, the
European Universities Games
2023, EU Funding opportunities,
as well as relevant updates
from the organisation.

The webinar saw over 60
participants from 26 countries,
representing National University
Sports Associations and partner

This online gathering was
mainly of an informative type,
giving a lot of information about
future events and actions,
upcoming EUSA events,
with a special focus on the
registrations for the European
Universities Games 2024 in
Debrecen – Miskolc, Hungary.

Important information regarding
EU funding opportunities and
best practices were also shared
with the present representatives
of the National University Sport
Associations, giving a special
focus on funds available from
the European Union.
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