Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Liber gratissimus (Peter Damian), 159
Liber manualis (Dhuoda), 169–170
Liber revelationum de sacro exercitu virginum Coloniensium
(Elisabeth von Schönau), 200
Liber sororis Lelle de Fulgineo (Book of Sister Leila [Angela]
of Foligno) (Saint Angela da Foligno), 36
Liber specialis gratiae (Book of Special Grace) (Mechthild
von Hackeborn), 462
Liber viarum dei (Book of the Ways of God) (Elisabeth von
Schönau), 200
Liber visionum (Elisabeth von Schönau), 200
Libre de Evast e Blaquerna (Book of Evast and Blaquerna)
(Ramón Llull), 410, 411–412
Libro de las armas (Juan Manuel), 384
Libro de los estados (Juan Manuel), 383
Libro del cavallero et del escudero (Juan Manuel), 383
Libro fi esolano (Ricordano Malispini), 435
Life of Francis (Saint Bonaventure), 89
Life of St. Ecgwine (Byrhtferth), 99
Life of St. Oswald (Byrhtferth), 99
Limbourg Brothers, 382, 407, 407–408
Little Treasure (Brunetto Latini), 94–95
Liudprand of Cremona, 126, 408–409
Antapodosis, 408
diplomat, 408–409
historian, 408–409
Liber de rebus gestibus Ottonis (The Deeds of Otto), 408
Relatio de legatio Constantinopolitana (Report on the
Embassy to Constantinople), 408
Liuva I, 406
Lives of Saints (Ælfric), 7–8
Lives of the Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius), 45
Livre de l’esperance ou Le livre des trois vertus (Alain
Chartier), 130
Livre de Sibile, 531
Llibre de contemplació en Déu (Book of Contemplation)
(Ramón Llull), 409–410
Llull, Ramón, 409–412
Arbre de ciècia (Tree of Science), 412
autobiography, 412
Félix o El libre de meravelles (Felix, or the Book of
Wonders), 410, 411–412
infl uence, 409, 411
Libre de Evast e Blaquerna (Book of Evast and Blaquerna),
410, 411–412
literary works, 409–412
Llibre de contemplació en Déu (Book of Contemplation),
missionary, 409
mystic, 409–410
philosopher, 409–412
postart phase, 410–411
quaternary phase, 410
ternary phase, 410
Lochner, Stefan, 153, 412–413
City Patrons’ Altarpiece or Dombild, 412–413
early Cologne school painter, 412–413
Abélard, Peter, 1–2
William of Ockham, 672

Henry V, King of England, 321
Pecock, Reginald, 505
Wyclif, John, 682–683
Lombard League
Frederick I Barbarossa, 229
Frederick II, 232
Lombardy, Paul the Deacon, 504–505
Loores de Nuestra Señora (Gonzalo de Berceo), 69
Lope Díaz de Haro, Sancho IV, King of Castile, 592
López de Ayala, Pero, 413–414
courtier, 413–414
historian, 413–414
poet, 413–414
political and military leader, 413
Rimado de Palacio, 414
López de Códoba, Leonor, 414–415
historian, 414–415
Memorias, 414–415
López de Mendoza, Iñigo, 416–417
Alvaro de Luna, 415
author, 416–417
Carta e prohemio al Condestable de Portugal, 415
cultural patronage, 415
military campaigns, 416
poet, 416–417
propagation of humanistic knowledge in Castile, 415
Sonetos fechos al itálico modo, 415
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio
Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government, 418
Madonna and Child, 417
Maestá, 417–418
painter, 416, 418
work suppressed, 418
Lorenzetti, Pietro
Arezzo Polyptych, 416, 417
Assisi frescoes, 416
Birth of the Virgin, 417
Carmine Altarpiece, 417
painter, 416, 418
technical innovation, 416
Uffi zi Madonna and Child, 417
Lothair I, 419, 551
dismembering empire of Charlemagne, 419
Lothar III, 419–420
crowned King of the Romans, 420
exploitation of extinct noble dynasties, 420
investiture, 420
papal schism, 420
Lothar of Segni. See Innocent III, Pope
Lothario dei Conti di Segni. See Innocent III, Pope
Louis VI, King of France, Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis, 613,
Louis VII, King of France, Eleanor of Aquitaine, 198–199
Louis VIII, King of France, Pierre Mauclerc, 534
Louis IX, King of France and Saint, 79, 421, 655, 671
canonization, 449
crusades, 421
governance, 421
growing authoritarianism of crown, 421
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