Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Marguerite of Provence, Queen of France, 448–449
overhaul of royal administrators, 421
regency, 421
Louis XI, King of France, 129, 423–424
Commynes, Philippe de, 148
diplomacy, 423
domestic adversaries, 423
reforming provincial government, 423
René d’Anjou, 563
territorial unifi cation of modern France, 424
Louis I of Anjou, 128
Louis of Guyenne, 139
Louis of Orléans, 128
Christine de Pizan, 138–139
Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France, 350
Louis of Taranto, Joanna I, Queen of Naples, 374, 375
Louis the Bavarian, 124
Louis the Great of Hungary, Joanna I, Queen of Naples,
Louis the Pious, 121, 422–423, 551
corruption in Carolingian society, 422
crowned co-emperor, 422
Judith, Empress, 422–423
King of Aquitaine, 422
monastic and ecclesiastical reform, 422
Ordinatio imperii, 422–423
palace revolt, 422–423
papal-imperial relationship, 422
political realm, 422
rebuilt political network, 423
vision of empire, 422
Lovato de’ Lovati, 14
Love, 2, 35, 111–112, 130, 291, 346, 449, 544
minnesinger, 559–560
neoplatonic spiritual ideas, 345
prowess, 137
Thomas d’Angleterre, 623–624
Ludus scaccorum (Jacopo de Cessolis), 356
Ludwig van Kempen, Petrarca, Francesco, 519
Luitgard of Aywières, 424
Cistercian, 424
mystic, 424
Luitgard of Tongres. See Luitgard of Aywières
Luna, Alvaro de, 424–425
beheaded, 424
exile, 424
Juan II, King of Castile, 424–425
power for crown and for himself, 424
talents ensured indispensability, 424
Lupi, Bonifacio, 31
Lupi, Raimondino, 31
Luxembourg dynasty, 125
Lydgate, John, 425–426
aureate diction, 426
Benedictine order, 425
dissemination of Chaucer tradition, 425, 426
elaboration of allusion and syntax, 426
English poet, 425–426
Fall of Princes, 426
infl uence, 426

massive dissemination of works, 426
meter, 426
patrons, 426–427
range of subject matter, 427
rhetorical amplifi cation, 426
Siege of Thebes, 425, 426
Troy Book, 425
Lyric poetry, 111, 396, 652–655

Machaut, Guillaume de, 98, 429–431
composer, 429–431
Dit de l’ alerion, 430
Dit du lyon, 430
Jugement du roy de Navarre, 430
Messe de Nostre Dame, 429
musical works, 430–431
patrons, 429
poet, 429–431
Remede de Fortune, 429, 430
Macrobius, 431–432
Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, 431, 432
infl uence, 432
Roman writer, 431–432
Saturnalia, 431–432
Madonna and Child (Ambrogio Lorenzetti), 417
Madonna and Child Enthroned (Giotto di Bondone), 256
Madrigal, Paolo da Firenze, 503
Máelduib, 20
Maestà (Duccio di Buoninsegna), 180–181
Maestá (Ambrogio Lorenzetti), 417–418
Magnús Hákonarson, 433, 611, 612
foreign policy, 433
law, 433
legislative and organizational work, 433
peace treaty with Scotland, 433
ruled Norway, 433
Magnússdrápa (Arnórr Þórðarson jarlaskáld), 49
Magna Carta, 316
John, King of England (John Lackland), 379
Stephen Langton, 609
Magna glossatura (Peter Lombard), 514
Magnentius. See Rabanus Maurus
Magnus liber organi de gradali et antifonario (Léonin),
Magyars, 314
Maimonides, 3, 50, 434, 627
Abravanel, Isaac, 3
Dala ̄ lat al-ba ̄ ’irı ̄n (Guide for the Perplexed), 434
Ibn Adret, Solomon, 339
impact on Christians in Spain, 434
Jewish scholar, 434
law, 434
medicine, 434
Mishnah commentary, 434
Mishneh Torah, 434
philosopher, 434
center of Jewish learning, 248
Jewish community, 248
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