Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Holy Family, 456
painter, 454–457
Saint Ansanus Annunciation, 455–456
Saint Ladislas, 456–457
Saint Louis Altarpiece, 455
Virgil Frontispiece, 456
Maslama de Madrid, 457–458
astronomer, 457–458
mathematician, 457–458
Master builder, Grasser, Erasmus, 268
Master craftsman, Folz, Hans, 219–220
Abraham bar H.iyya, 2–3
Dunstable, John, 186–187
Levi ben Gershom, 407
Maslama de Madrid, 457
Mathias, Canon of Linköping, 76
Matilda, Empress, 458
adviser to Henry II, 458
Geoffrey Plantagenet, 458
Henry V, 458
as imperial regent, 458
on military campaign, 458
patron and intercessor at court, 458
Matilda, Queen of Normandy, 670
Matilda, throne of England, 312, 313
Matteo da Perugia, 459–460
composer, 459–460
musician, 459–460
Matthew Paris, 460–461
author, 460–461
historian, 460
Vie de seint Auban, 460
Matthieu de Vendûme, 71
Maximilian I, Emperor, 461–462
children’s dynastic marriages, 462
conquered Bruges, 461
cultural patronage, 462
Duke of Tyrol, 461
imperial reform, 461–462
Lowlands rebelled, 461
modern reputation, 461
political marriages, 461–462
possession of Lowlands and Burgundy, 461
shifting diplomatic alliances, 462
wars on empire’s fringes, 462
Mechthild von Hackeborn, 250–251, 462–463
author, 462–463
Cistercian, 462
Liber specialis gratiae (Book of Special Grace), 463
mystic, 462–463
Mechthild von Magdeburg, 463–464
Beguine, 463–464
Das fl ießende Licht der Gottheit (The Flowing Light of the
Godhead), 464
mystic, 463–464
Averroès, 52–54
Avicenna, 54–55
Cecco d’Ascoli, 116–117

Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint, 200–201
Harpestreng, Henrik, 299
Hildegard von Bingen, 330
Ibn Zuhr, Abu ̄ Marwa ̄ n ‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik, 346
international medical school in Salerno, Italy, 299
Islam, 54
John of Seville, 381
Maimonides, 434
Pietro Abano, 536
texts, 346
Trotula of Salerno, 631
Vilanova, Arnau de, 646–647
women, 631
Megillat ha-megalleh (Scroll of the Revealer) (Abraham bar
H.iyya), 3
Meir b. Barukh of Rothenburg, 464–465
attempted to escape to Palestine, 464–465
held for ransom, 465
his yeshivah, 464
law, 464–465
rabbi, 464–465
talmudic commentary, 464–465
Meister Eckhart, 465–467, 598
Dominican, 465–467
mystic, 465–467
preacher, 465–467
theologian, 465–467
Mekhabbérôth (Immanuel Romano), 346
Melos amoris (Richard Rolle of Hampole), 577
Mémoires (Philippe de Commynes), 148
Memoriale sanctorum (Eulogius of Córdoba), 208
Memoriale uirtutum (Alfonso de Cartagena), 104
Memorias (Leonor López de Códoba), 414–415
Mena, Juan de, 467–469
Coplas de los pecados mortales, 468
El laberinto de Fortuna, 467–468, 469
historian, 467–469
La coronación del marqués de Santillana, 468
poet, 467–469
Mendicancy, Dominican order, 177
Mendoza clan, 3, 416
Menippean satire, 12
Meno (Plato), 45
Mental illness, Charles VI, King of France, 128, 350
Meraugis de Portlesguez (Raoul de Houdenc), 554
Mercenary soldier
Hawkwood, Sir John, 303–304
Mézières, Philippe de, 469
Merchant manual, Pegolotti, Francesco di Balduccio, 509–510
Merinids, 592
Merlijn (Jacob van Maerlant), 353
Merode Altarpiece (Robert Campin), 102
Merovingian kingdoms, 511–512
Merovingian kings, 144
Messe de Nostre Dame (Guillaume de Machaut), 429
Metalogicon (John of Salisbury), 69–70
Meteorology (Aristotle), 45
Mézières, Philippe de, 469–470
author, 469
crusades, 469
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