Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Mézières, Philippe de (continued)
Order of the Passion of Jesus, 469
soldier of fortune, 469
Michael Scot, 470
astrologer, 470
magician, 470
scientifi c translator, 470
Michel Erhart of Ulm, 617
Micrologus (Guido D’Arezzo), 278
Midrash, 404
Milagros de Nuestra Señora (Gonzalo de Berceo), 69
Military Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 174
Minnesanger, Kürenberc, Der von, 396
Miracles de Nostre Dame (Gautier de Coinci), 244–245
Mirouer des simples ames anienties (Marguerite Porete), 449
Mirour de l’Omme (John Gower), 265
Mishneh Torah (Maimonides), 434
Misogynism, 42
literature, 139
Missa prolationum (Johannes Ockeghem), 485
Modern Devotion movement, 365
Radewijns, Florens, 552
Thomas à Kempis, 622
Moisés Sefardí. See Pedro Alfonso
Molesme monastery, 573
Molina, María de, Queen of Castile, 470–471, 592, 593
in Castilian politics, 470
championing grandson, 470–471
son recognized as kin, 470–471
unifi ed regency, 471
Monarchia (Monarchy) (Dante Alighieri), 162, 163
Monasteries. See also Specifi c type
Benedictine Reform, 66
Cassian, John, 107
holding of collective property, 634–635
languishing, 65
reform, Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne, 37
reinvigorated, 65–66
Monastery of Cluny, Alfonso VI, King of León-Castile, 24
Monastery of the Paraclete, Héloïse, 310
Monastery of Windesheim, Radewijns, Florens, 552
Mönch von Salzburg, Der, 471
composer, 471
singer, 471
Moneta of Cremona, 177, 178
Mongols, 233, 360
Monito (Giovanni Sercambi), 597
Monk of Cluny
Cistercian, 516, 517
controversy, 516, 517
Peter the Venerable, 516–517
abbot, 516–517
reform, 516–517
Monophysitism, 620
Moral philosopher, Dante Alighieri, 162
Moralist, Bersuire, Pierre, 74–75
Morals (Pope Gregory I), 271
Mortimer, Roger, 191
Morton, Robert, 472
composer, 472

Moser, Lucas, 472–473
painter, 473
Moses ben Maimon. See Maimonides
Moses ben, 473
Jewish scholar, 473
leader of Iberian Jewry, 473
public disputation with Dominican friar, 473
rabbi, 473
Spanish Jewish mysticism, 473
Moses ibn Ezra. See Ibn Ezra, Moses
Mozarabic artistic style, 58
Multscher, Hans, 205, 473–474
Karg Altar, 474
Landsberg Madonna and Child, 474
sculptor, 473–474
Münnerstadt altarpiece, Riemenschneider, Tillmann, 569
Murabit, Alfonso VI, King of León-Castile, 24, 25
Muslim physician, Ibn Zuhr, Abu ̄ Marwa ̄ n ‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik, 346
Muslim scholar
Ibn H.azm, 341–342
Ibn Khaldu ̄ n, 342–343
Ibn Sa’ı ̄d, 344
Muslim Spain, 340–341, 600–601
Almohad empire, 215
Ibn Zaydu ̄ n, poet, 345
Muslim unity dissolved, 215, 216
Reconquest, 215–217
after fall of Visigothic kingdom, 126
in al-Andalus, 442–443
Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of Castile and León, 26
Averroès, 52–53
Charles Martel, 126
coexistence, 172–173
relations in Spain, 208–209
responses to life under Muslim rule, 208–209
Díaz de Vivar, Rodrigo, regime of coexistence, 172–173
Eulogius of Córdoba, 208–209
expulsion from Portugal, 10
handbook of Islamic law, 54
Iberian, 24
Muslim traveler, 66
Peñafort, Ramón de, program for proselytizing, 510, 511
ta ̄ ’ifa of Toledo, 215
ta ̄ ’ifa of Zaragoza, 24, 215
Mystère de la Passion (Arnoul Greban), 270

Nardo di Cione, 475–476
painter, 475–476
Nasrid dynasty, 216
Natural history, Philippe de Thaün, 531
Natural science
Averroès, 53
Grosseteste, Robert, 276–277
Hildegard von Bingen, 330
Naturalism, 113
Nebrija, Elio Antonio de, 476–477
Gramática de la lengua castellana, 477
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