Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm, 680, 681
Sicilian school, 279–280
skaldic tradition, 48–49
Polish state, emergence, 622
Polo, Marco, 542–543
expeditions to China, 542
Il Milione, 542
Kublai Khan, 543
Polo, Matteo, 542
Polo, Niccolò, 542
Polychronicon (Ranulf Higden), 630
Polyphony, Pérotin, 513
Poor Clares
Clare, Saint, 142
privilege of poverty, 142
Poor use doctrine, 633, 634–635
Porfi nnsdrápa (Arnórr Þórðarson jarlaskáld), 49
Canaries, 311
disputed territories, 10
Treaty of Badajoz, 10
expelling Muslims, 10
exploration of eastern Atlantic, 311
maritime activities, 311–312
resolution of boundaries, 10
Portuguese Reconquest, 174
Potter, Dirc, 544
Der minnen loep (The Course of Love), 544
Dutch poet and diplomat, 544
Dominican order, 177
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 223
Franciscan order, 223–224
Poor Clares, 142
Ubertino da Casale, 633, 634–635
Power, Leonel, 544–545
composer, 544–545
Old Hall Manuscript, 544
Practica (Practice of Medicine) (Trotula of Salerno), 631
Prague, 124–125
Predestination, 206, 264
Premyslid (Bohemian) dynasty, 124
Primitive rule, Franciscan order, 224
Printer, Caxton, William, 114–115
Printmaker, Wolgemut, Michael, 680–681
Proclus, 16
Prophecies of Merlin (Geoffrey of Monmouth), 246
Prophecy of the Erythrean Sibyl, 45
Prophet, Joachim of Fiore, 372–374
Prosdocimus de Beldemandis, 545–546
arithmetic, 545–546
astronomy, 545–546
geometry, 545–546
music, 545–546
professor of arts and medicine at Padua, 545
Prose Edda (Snorri Sturluson), 605
Proslogion (Anselm of Bec), 38
Provence, Catalan dominion, 553–554

Proverbios morales (Shem Tov of Carrión), 598–599
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 1, 16, 206–207
Pseudo-Robert de Boron, 570, 571
Ptolemy of Lucca, 546–547, 562
Aquinas, Thomas, 546, 547
Determinatio compendiosa, 546
Dominican, 546–547
excommunication and imprisonment, 547
Historia ecclesiastica nova, 546
historian, 546–547
Nicholas III, Pope, 479, 546
political thinker, 546–547
republicanism, 547
Beheim, Michael, 64
Caxton, William, 114–115
Pucelle, Jean, 548
artist, 548
illuminator, 548
Pythagorean tuning system, 444

Qasmuna bint Isma’il, 549
Arabic woman poet, 549
daughter of Jewish offi cial in Arab court, 549
Quadrilogue invectif (Alain Chartier), 130
Quadrivium, 506
Qur’a ̄ n, 53, 54

Rabanus Maurus, 551, 659
author and teacher, 551
Biblical commentary, 551
Carolingian churchman, 551
Asher B. Yeh.iel, 50
Gershom b. Judah, 248
Ibn Adret, Solomon, 339
Ibn Ezra, Moses, 340–341
Meir b. Barukh of Rothenburg, 464–465
Moses ben, 472–473
Shem Tov of Carrión, 598–599
Radewijns, Florens, 552
Brethren of the Common Life, 552
Modern Devotion, 552
monastery of Windesheim, 552
Thomas à Kempis, 552
Ragnarsdrápa (Bragi Boddason), 92–93
Rainald of Dassel, 552–553
destruction of Milan, 552
Frederick I Barbarossa, 552–553
antipope Victor IV, 552
election by princes and by God, 552
establishing German imperial hegemony, 552
Hohenstaufens reject papal primacy claims, 552
imperial chancellor, 552
programmatic sacralization of imperial rule, 553
relics of Three Kings, 553
synod of Saint Jean de Losne, 552
Rainerius. See Paschal II, Pope
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