The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(Nandana) #1

While this Web site is in no way limited to the
1980’s, it provides a wealth of information about
Canada during that decade. It features articles writ-
ten by a variety of individuals, including academics,
about Canadian history, and a search engine to en-
able users to retrieve information.

Famous Trials
This Web site covers fifty famous trials, ranging in
time from 2006. It includes two Ameri-
can trials from the 1980’s: that of John Hinckley, Jr.,
who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Rea-
gan, and the McMartin Preschool teachers charged
with sexually abusing students.

From Cheers to Jeers: The Mulroney Years
This page is part of the Prime Ministers’ Gallery
created by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
(CBC). It focuses on former Prime Minister Brian
Mulroney, including video and audio clips about
him, as well as teacher lesson plans. The page chron-
icles how Mulroney was at first highly regarded, but
later left office in disgrace.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
This Web site is a good place for both serious re-
searchers and more casual learners to retrieve infor-
mation about Reagan. It explains how one can gain
access to Reagan’s presidential papers and features
biographies of Reagan and his wife Nancy.

Ten Greatest Canadians—Pierre Elliot Trudeau
Trudeau is frequently called one of the greatest
prime ministers, and the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation (CBC) named him one of the ten great-
est Canadians for his charisma, flair, and impact
upon Canada. This page from a CBC Web site dis-
cusses his accomplishments, failures, and brilliant
return to politics in the early 1980’s. It includes a
time line and links to multimedia materials.

United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Hearing 99-1067: Hearings Before the Senate
Committee on the Judiciary on the Nomination of
Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist to be Chief Jus-
tice of the United States, July 29, 30, 31, and Au-
gust 1, 1986 y/
The complete text of the 1986 hearings in which
the Senate Judiciary Committee considered Presi-
dent Ronald Reagan’s promotion of William H.
Rehnquist from associate to chief justice of the Su-
preme Court. This site is useful for students re-
searching legal history in the 1980’s, as Rehnquist’s
role as chief justice helped move the Court in a more
conservative direction.

Walter Mondale
Created by Spartacus Educational, a British orga-
nization that designs Web sites for history instruc-
tion, this page focuses on Mondale, the unsuccessful
presidential candidate in 1984, who also served as
Jimmy Carter’s vice president. Unlike some treat-
ments of Mondale, this biography covers his life be-
fore he became vice president and after his 1984
presidential run.


The Invasion of Grenada
This Web site looks at the United States’ invasion
of Grenada in 1983. It examines the background,
causes, consequences, and casualties of the conflict,
along with links to related sites.

Lessons Learned: Iran-Iraq War
This document, compiled by the U.S. Marine
Corps in 1990, analyzes the Iran-Iraq war, which was
fought from 1980 to 1988 and in which the United
States’ backed the Iraqi government of Saddam
Hussein. The instability from this war prompted
Hussein to later invade Kuwait and significantly
shaped subsequent events in the region. In addition
to an overview of the conflict, there are sections on
strategy, tactics and operations, and chemical weap-
ons, among other features.

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