The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

 Web Sites

In selecting the following Web sites, efforts have been made to identify sites of broadest interest to readers and
those most useful in providing additional links. Attention has also been given to representative examples of
more specialized sites, such as pages on individual personages and events.

General Information

American Memory Collection
The American Memory collection is good for any
time period, and the 1990’s are no exception. Visi-
tors to the site can browse collections by topic, rang-
ing from advertising to women’s history.

The Canadian Encyclopedia
This is a general encyclopedia about all things Ca-
nadian. This encyclopedia is continually growing,
and it is a good place to start for such information.

The Census
The U.S. population continued to change drasti-
cally in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and the 1990 and 2000
censuses reflect this. General statistical data are
available from those two censuses, and information
about the overall census is also available. For those
interested in finding specific individuals, release
dates are also profiled here.

CNN video archive
This video almanac contains clips of news footage
covering a few top stories from the 1990’s (through
1997). One needs the Apple QuickTime plug-in to
use this site.

Film History of the 1990’s
This site presents a history of 1990’s films. It pro-
vides a general overview of the decade, along with
links to more specific discussion of films of each year.
It also links to lists of Academy Award winners and
other related items.

Labor Statistics
The Bureau of Labor Statistics collects a wide vari-

ety of data about the U.S. economy. As the 1990’s
were marked by one of the largest and longest pe-
riods of economic growth in American history, stu-
dents should turn to labor statistics and economic
data to understand the era.

Government and Law

Al Gore
This biography of Gore discusses both his service
as vice president and his participation in the election
of 2000. The essay contains links to related resources
on Infoplease as well as print resources.

Bill Clinton
This site from the Miller Center of Public Affairs,
University of Virginia, combines a wide variety of
multimedia elements to chronicle Clinton’s presi-
dency. It includes audio selections from his speeches,
video clips of scholars discussing his role as presi-
dent, and a series of essays about him. A comprehen-
sive and scholarly site.

Bill Clinton y/presidents/
This official biography of Clinton focuses on his
accomplishments and notes the unprecedented rise
in the U.S. economy. It downplays the Monica
Lewinsky scandal that occupied much of his second

Bob Dole
This honorific biography, from Dole’s own home
page, covers the whole scope of Dole’s life, both be-
fore and during public service. It details his entry
into politics, his time in the House and the Senate,
and his unsuccessful runs for the White House. This
biography lists Dole’s activities over the last few
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