The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Brian Mulroney
This Web site covers the career of Canadian
prime minister Mulroney, who served from 1984 to

  1. The site includes a biography of him along
    with other resources, such as a bibliography and a set
    of anecdotes.

Famous Trials
This Web site was created by law professor Doug-
las O. Linder of the University of Missouri-Kansas
City School of Law. It has over fifty trials on the site,
and four pertain to the 1990’s: The Timothy Mc-
Veigh trial (Oklahoma City bombing), the Bill
Clinton impeachment trial, the LAPD trial (Rodney
King beating), and the O. J. Simpson murder trial.
Useful for experts and students alike.

George H. W. Bush y/presidents/
This short celebratory biography outlines Bush’s
life before his presidency and his career as president.

Jean Chrétien
Chrétien served as prime minister of Canada
from 1993 to 2003, and he also managed to revitalize
the Liberal Party. This site includes speeches by him
and a bibliography. The biography focuses mostly
on his accomplishments before he became prime

Kim Campbell
Campbell served as Canadian prime minister for
only about four months in 1993, but she was note-
worthy as being the country’s first female prime min-
ister. Besides discussing her accomplishments in her
short term in office, the biography notes her earlier
political career. The Web site from the Library and
Archives of Canada also includes a bibliography and
the text of several speeches.

Online NewsHour: The Impeachment Trial
Bill Clinton’s impeachment dominated the end
of the 1990’s and comsumed a lot of political en-
ergy on both sides of the political aisle. This site con-
tains articles and commentary on the issue, along
with audio clips of related broadcasts of the
NewsHourprogram from the Public Broadcasting

POTUS—George H. W. Bush
This biography, from the Internet Public Library,
is less important as a biography than as a gateway to a
variety of sources, including the White House biog-
raphy listed above and an “unauthorized” biogra-
phy, as well as sources focusing on Bush’s career be-
fore he became president.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

This Web site advocates for and provides informa-
tion on LGBT rights, one of the hot topics of the
1990’s, as gay marriage was legalized for a short time
in Hawaii and then much of the rest of the nation re-
acted against this.

Family Research Council—Policy Areas
The Family Research Council comes down on the
opposite side of the debate from the ACLU. This
page is one that links to the Family Research Coun-
cil’s research into a number of areas, some of which
deal with gay rights.

Gay Marriage
This Web site, from the Pew Forum on Religion
and Public Life, provides a variety of articles and
transcripts discussing views on gay marriage.

Military, Foreign Affairs, and Terrorism

Bosnia Conflict
This Web site is run by the United Nations, which
was the main organizer of the effort to bring peace

1048  Web Sites The Nineties in America

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