The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

 Subject Index

Page numbers inboldfacetype indicate full articles devoted to the topic.

Aaliyah, 1003
ABC.See American Broadcasting
Aboriginal Action Plan, 286
Abortion,1-2, 675, 737, 823, 930;
clinic bombings, 848; culture wars
and, 235
Abouhalima, Mahmoud, 938
Abrams tank, 755
Abrams v. Johnson(1997), 994
Academy Awards,2-4, 96, 151, 206,
240, 349, 403, 450, 475, 543, 650,
658, 663, 667, 692, 723, 744, 749,
772, 834, 846, 855, 860, 881, 905,
Accordion Crimes(Proulx), 689
Ace of Base, 1003
Acheson,United States v.(1999), 166
“Achy Breaky Heart” (Cyrus), 226
Acid rain, 188
Ackerman, Val, 928
ACLU.SeeAmerican Civil Liberties
Acoustic music, 590
Acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome,18-20, 251, 409, 470,
558; Africa and, 8; film and, 667;
musicals and, 716; theater and,
40, 852
Action figures, 862
Action for Children’s Television,
ActiveX, 943
Activism, 322-323, 481, 696, 705, 726,
766, 865
Actors, 26, 153, 201, 212, 233, 239,
247, 318, 368, 403, 509, 543, 599,
658, 668, 672, 705-706, 722-723,
733, 737-738, 782, 834, 867, 905
Actors’ Equity Association, 853
Acute respiratory distress syndrome,
Adams, John, 186
Adams, Scott, 214
Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Peña
(1995), 11, 698, 993
Aday, Marvin Lee.SeeMeat Loaf
ADD.SeeAttention-deficit disorder
Adderall, 666

Adler v. Ontario(1996), 709
Adobe Photoshop, 669
Adoption and Safe Families Act
(1997), 988
Advertising,4-7; alcohol, 5;
children’s television, 172, 174;
drugs, 5, 274-275, 666; e-mail, 310;
slogans, 780; television, 839;
tobacco, 69, 469, 610
Aerobics, 829
Aerosmith, 1003
AFDC.SeeAid to Families with
Dependent Children
Affirmative action, 11, 59, 185, 236,
Affleck, Ben, 239
Africa; AIDS and, 8; U.S. embassy
bombings, 570, 886-889; United
Nations and, 883; United States
African Americans,9-12, 59, 328,
528, 586; actors, 723, 733, 782,
905; art and, 56; astronauts, 795;
athletes, 73, 79, 254, 382, 425,
470-471, 549, 650, 876, 931;
comedians, 445, 723; comic strips
and, 215; directors, 334, 509;
female senators, 954; governors,
919; hairstyles, 398; hate crimes
and, 406; inventors, 460; judges,
855; Kwanzaa, 493; law professors,
416; lawyers, 204; mayors, 81, 259;
Million Man March, 574;
ministers, 323, 766; physicians,
294; poets, 39, 490; political
appointees, 122, 685; politicians,
10, 81, 259, 919; rappers, 765, 782;
redistricting and, 767; singers,
733; sports executives, 83; talk-
show hosts, 921; violence against,
138, 255, 407, 485, 531, 680, 699,
847; writers, 39, 523, 540, 585
Africanized honeybees.SeeKiller
Afrocentrism, 10
After 7, 1003
Agassi, Andre,12-13, 645, 742, 802,
Age of Innocence, The, 961

Agent Orange Act (1991), 984
Agriculture; biotechnology, 360;
Canada,13-15; community-
supported, 652; killer bees and,
485; United States,15-18; water
pollution, 907
Agriculture, Department of.See
Department of Agriculture, U.S.
Aid to Families with Dependent
Children, 137, 605, 910
Aidid, Mohammed Farrah, 788
immunodeficiency syndrome
AIFF.SeeAudio interchange file
AIM alliance, 43, 216
“Ain’t It Heavy” (Etheridge), 315
Air pollution,20-21, 187
Airline Deregulation Act (1978),
Airline industry,21-23
Airplane disasters and accidents,
276, 290, 873, 891
Airport Noise and Capacity Act
(1990), 983
Ajaj, Ahmad M., 938
Al-Qaeda, 8, 391, 570, 888, 938
Alabama v. White(1990), 990
Albanians, Kosovar, 492
Albee, Edward,23-24, 852
Albert, Marv,24-25
Albright, Madeleine,25-26, 347
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental
Health Administration
Reorganization Act (1992), 985
Alden v. Maine(1999), 825, 996
Alexander, Jason, 760
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building,
542, 632
Algarín, Miguel, 798
Alice in Bed(Sontag), 790
Alice in Chains, 386
“Alive” (Pearl Jam), 386
All Eyez on Me(Shakur), 244
All-4-One, 1003
Allen, Tim, 213
Allen, Woody,26-27
Alling, Abigail, 103
Ally McBeal,27-29


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