The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

AltaVista (search engine), 760
Alternative medicine, 177, 909
Alternative rock,29-30, 385, 525,
596, 612.See alsoGrunge music;
Rock music
Alvarez, Julia,30-31
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater,
Alzheimer’s disease,32-33
“Amazed” (Lonestar), 227,33-34, 100, 267, 943
Ambient music, 308
Amedure, Scott, 466
Amendment 2 (Colorado), 185, 728,
Ament, Jeff, 386
America Online,34-35, 943
American Airlines, Inc. v. Wolens
(1995), 993
American Ballet Theatre, 77
American Basketball League, 92,
American Beauty, 965
American Broadcasting Company,
248, 808, 840
American Cancer Society, 149
American Civil Liberties Union, 583
American Competitiveness and
Workforce Improvement Act
(1998), 988
American Educational Gender
Information Service, 865
American Family Association, 550
American Football Conference, 341
American History X, 964
American Indians.SeeFirst Nations;
Native Americans
American Inventors Protection Act
(1999), 989
American League, 82, 86
American Pastoral(Roth), 729
American Pie, 965
American Professional Soccer
League, 783
American Psychological Association,
American Soccer League, 783
American Tour de Sol, 307
Americans with Disabilities Act
(1990),35-37, 261, 983
AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted(Ice Cube),
418, 596
Ammons, A. R., 677

Anarchists, 879
Anderson, Gillian, 947
Anderson, Pamela, 94
Anderson, Robyn, 211
Anderson, William French, 755
Andreessen, Marc, 267, 457, 942
Angela’s Ashes(McCourt), 524, 536
Angelou, Maya,39-40
Angels in America(Kushner),40-41,
Angle, Kurt, 645
Animal Dreams(Kingsolver), 487
Animal Liberation Front, 846
Animation, 95, 97, 157, 334, 673,
778, 791; Japanese, 679; video
games, 897
Aniston, Jennifer, 351
Annan, Kofi, 882
Anti-Car Theft Act (1992), 151
Antichrist Superstar(Marilyn
Manson), 552
Antiretrovirals, 19, 666
Anti-Semitism, 231, 277, 581
Antiterrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act (1996), 847
AOL.SeeAmerica Online
APA.SeeAmerican Psychological
Apartheid; end of, 8
Apollo 13, 962
Apple Computer,43-44, 216, 355,
468, 567;iMac, 44, 469; PDAs, 660;
Power Macintosh, 43, 216
Applewhite, Marshall, 413
Apprendi v. New Jersey(1999), 996
Arafat, Yasir, 190, 464, 569
Arcand, Denys, 332
Archaeology,45-46; biblical, 242
Archer Daniels Midland scandal,46-
Archie (search engine), 760
Architecture,47-51, 356, 380, 423,
501, 539, 547, 724; postmodern,
49; sustainable, 48, 826.See also
specific architects and structures
Arena Football League, 341
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 183, 399
Arizona v. Evans(1995), 993
Arizona v. Fulminante(1991), 824,
Armey, Dick,51-52, 717
Armstrong, Lance,52-53, 803
Army of God, 847

Arnett, Peter,53-54, 203
Aronson, Billy, 714
Arpino, Gerald, 78
Arrested Development, 1003
Arsenio Hall Show, The, 504
Arson, 404
Art; communities, 127; controversial
content, 156, 424, 550; funding,
603; homosexuality and, 550;
movements,54-58; postmodern,
491; theft, 354
Artists, 181, 491, 908
As Good as It Gets, 964
Ashford, Evelyn, 640
Asian Americans,58-61, 528, 698;
athletes, 59, 953; filmmakers, 334;
writers, 523
Asian Canadians, 442, 578, 699, 851;
writers, 580, 649
Ask Jeeves (search engine), 760
Aspect of Love(Lloyd Webber, Black,
and Hart), 119
Aspin, Les, 788
Assignment of Women in the Armed
Forces (1991), 984
Assignment of Women in the Armed
Forces (1993), 985
Assistance to New Independent
States of the Former Soviet Union
(1993), 985
Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction
Act (1997), 671
Astronauts, 109, 373, 533, 795
Astronomy,61-63, 401, 433, 756, 770,
ATF.SeeBureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms
Athletes, 12, 52, 59, 73, 79, 123, 254,
376, 382, 402, 425, 470-471, 480,
538, 549, 636, 641-642, 646, 650,
721, 741, 763, 790, 814, 818, 876,
931, 953; winners of major events,
Atlanta Braves, 85, 801
Attention-deficit disorder,63-65
Atwood, Margaret, 519
Audio interchange file format, 256
Audio Publishers Association, 65
Audiobooks,65-66, 691
Austin Powers: International Man of
Mystery, 964


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