The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

HTML, 454, 754
HTTP, 454, 754
Hubble Deep Field, 435
Hubble Space Telescope, 61,433-
435 , 757, 793, 795
Hughes, John, 426
Human cloning, 200
Human embryos; stem cell research,
Human Genome Project, 364,435-
437 , 755
Human immunodeficiency virus.See
Acquired immunodeficiency
Human rights, 175, 192, 345, 347,
858, 929
Human Stain, The(Roth), 729
Hummer, 800
Hunter, James Davison, 235
Hurricane, The, 905
Hurricane Andrew,438-439, 608
Hurricanes, 608, 661
Hussein, Saddam, 53, 130, 346, 388,
Hutton, Linda V., 923
Hybrid vehicles, 307
Hyland, Frances, 850

I Ching, 327
I Married a Communist(Roth), 729
IBF.SeeInternational Boxing
IBM.SeeInternational Business
Ice Cube, 418, 596, 1007
Ice hockey.SeeHockey
Ice-T, 156
ICQ, 451
Ida (asteroid), 61
Illegal immigration,440-441, 444,
507, 564
Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigrant Responsibility Act
(1996), 440, 987
ILOVEYOU computer worm, 396
IM.SeeInstant messaging
Immigration; Canada, 249,442-444;
culture wars and, 236;
globalization and, 136, 312;
illegal,440-441, 444, 507, 564;
race relations and, 530; United
States, 441,444-445, 507
Immigration Act (1990),441-442,
444, 983

Immigration and Naturalization Act
(1965), 441
Immigration and Naturalization
Service, 441
Immigration Reform and Control
Act (1986), 440
Impeachment; Bill Clinton,193-196
Impostors, 422
Impotence drugs, 895
Improving America’s Schools Act
(1994), 288
In America(Sontag), 790
In Living Color, 153,445-446
In the Company of Men, 964
In the Time of Butterflies(Alvarez), 31
In Utero(Nirvana), 612
Incarceration, 230, 251; African
Americans, 10
Income, 683; Canada,446-447;
gender earnings gap, 926; United
States, 135, 250,447-449
Independence Day, 782
Independent Counsel
Reauthorization Act (1994), 194,
804, 916
Independent films, 103, 334,449-
451 , 692, 820
India, 655
Indians, American.SeeFirst Nations;
Native Americans
Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act Amendments
(1997), 988
Industrial Light and Magic, 158, 333
Industrial music, 552, 611
Industrial Society and Its Future
(Kaczynski), 880
Indy Racing League, 68
Infinite Jest(Wallace), 903
Infinity Broadcasting Company, 809,
Inflation, 134
Information technology, 655
Infoseek (search engine), 760
Ingénue(Lang), 498
Inktomi (search engine), 760
Insider, The, 919, 965
Installation art, 55, 181
Instant messaging, 451 , 780
Institutional Revolutionary Party,
Integrative medicine, 909
Intel, 216
Intellectual property, 456

Intelligent design movement,452-
Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act (1991), 984
Internal Revenue Service
Restructuring Act (1998), 988
International Basketball Federation,
90, 638
International Boxing Federation,
115, 425
International Broadcasting Bureau,
International Business Machines, 43,
216, 655
International Campaign to Ban
Landmines, 614
International Criminal Court, 345
International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia, 347
International Human Genome
Sequencing Consortium, 437
International Monetary Fund, 941
International Olympic Committee,
638, 642-643, 741
International Space Station, 796
International trade, 564; Canada,
147, 344, 618; disputes, 133, 179,
317; Mexico, 619; United States,
130, 147, 176, 506, 618
Internet, 100, 136, 217,453-457, 686,
754, 773, 796, 941; advertising, 5;
archaeology and, 45; cafés, 206;
child pornography, 165;
commerce, 33, 218, 267, 691, 812,
943; copyright law, 224; digital
audio, 257; digital divide, 259;
digital photography, 670; digital
video discs and, 280; e-mail, 310;
free speech, 157; Al Gore and,
378; hobbyists, 420; influence on
language, 780; instant messaging,
451; news media and, 272, 473;
PDAs and, 660; search engines,
759-760, 952; service providers,
34, 224, 942, 952; television, 840;
video games, 864, 898
Internet Explorer, 455, 567, 942
Internet Society, 454
Internet2, 454
Interracial marriage, 579, 700
Interstate Banking and Branching
Efficiency Act (1994), 986
Interstate Commerce Commission
Termination Act (1995), 986


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