The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Interview with the Vampire(film), 234,
719, 962
Inventions,456-462.See also
Investors, 125
Invisible Monsters(Palahniuk), 657
INXS, 1007
IOC.See International Olympic
Iraq; invasion of Kuwait, 388, 568;
sanctions against, 391
Iraq Sanctions Act (1990), 983
IRL.See Indy Racing League
Iron John(Bly),462-463
Ismail, Eyad, 938
ISPs.SeeInternet, service providers
Israel, 569; American Jews and, 468;
United States and,463-465
Ito, Lance, 776
It’s Time, America!, 865
Ivey, Artis Leon, Jr.SeeCoolio

J. E. B. vs. Alabama(1994), 992
Jackson, Janet, 1007
Jackson, Michael, 1007
Jackson, O’Shea.SeeIce Cube
Jackson, Samuel L., 692
Jagged Little Pill(Morissette), 583
Japanese Americans, 59
Java (programming language), 218,
Javacheff, Christo.SeeChristo
JavaScript, 943
Jemison, Mae, 795
Jenkins, Jerry B., 510
Jenny Jones Showmurder,466-467
Jensen, Dan, 642
“Jeremy” (Pearl Jam), 386
Jerry Maguire, 234, 963
Jewel, 1007
Jewell, Richard, 647
Jewish Americans, 25-26, 205, 272,
320, 370,467-468, 662, 682, 729,
749, 922; violence against, 231,
407, 699, 847
JFK, 960
Jiang Zemin, 175
Jobs, Steve, 44, 355,468-469, 673
Jodeci, 1007
Joe Camel campaign,469-470
Joffrey, Robert, 78
Joffrey Ballet, 78
John, Elton, 1007

John Paul II, 712
Johnson, David R., 741
Johnson, Magic, 90,470-471
Johnson, Michael, 73, 644
Johnson, Phillip E., 452
Johnson, Randy, 85
Johnson v. Texas(1993), 992
Johnston, Rita Margaret, 929
Jones, Paula, 194, 197, 512, 746, 805,
Jones, Roy, Jr., 115
Jones, Stephen, 633
Jordan, Michael, 90,471-473, 801
Jordan, Montell, 1007
Journalism,473-475; blogs, 107
Journalists, 53, 203, 272, 320, 476,
768; photojournalists, 670
Joyner-Kersee, Jackie, 640
Judaism, 467
Judge, Mike, 97
Judges, 370, 582, 855
Judicial Improvements Act (1990),
Junger, Sebastian, 661
Jupiter, 61, 756, 770, 793
Jurassic Park, 333, 475 , 961
Justice, Department of.See
Department of Justice, U.S.
“Justify My Love” (Madonna), 543

Kaczynski, Theodore, 847, 879
Kahane, Meir, 846
Kang, M. J., 851
Kansas et al. v. Utilicorp United, Inc.
(1990), 825
Karenga, Ron, 493
Kasi, Mir Aimal, 847
Kauffman, Marta, 351
K-Ci & JoJo, 1007
Kearns, Robert, 459
Kelley, David E., 27
Kelley, Kitty,476-477
Kellner, Jamie, 908
Kelly, R., 1007
Kelly, Sharon Pratt, 587
Kemp, Jack, 262, 304, 477
Kennedy, John F., Jr.,478-479
Kennedy rape case,479-480
Kennewick Man, 45
Keratomileusis, 503
Kerkorian, Kirk, 502
Kerrigan, Nancy,480-481, 637, 642
Kevorkian, Jack, 33,481-482
Keynes, John Maynard, 704

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 938
Khobar Towers bombing,482-484
Kidman, Nicole, 233
Kidnappings, 488, 701
Kids’ WB, 908
Kilkenny, Ossie, 934
Killer bees,484-485
King, John William, 139
King, Rodney, 11,485-486, 528, 681,
King, Stephen,486-487
Kingsley, Ben, 748
Kingsolver, Barbara,487-488
Kiss, 591
Kitsch art, 491
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District
(2005), 453
Klaas kidnapping and murder case,
Klebold, Dylan, 210
Klein, Dennis, 500
Knight, Suge, 243, 418
Knox, Stephen, 489
Knox pornography case,489-490
Kodak, 669
Kohan, David, 920
Kolstad v. American Dental Association
(1999), 996
Komunyakaa, Yusef,490-491, 677
Koons, Jeff,491-492
Korean Americans, 59, 528; violence
against, 59
Koreatown, 59, 529
Koresh, David, 572, 900
Kosovo conflict, 316, 348,492-493;
United Nations and, 882
Kosovo Liberation Army, 492
Koss, Johann, 641
Krakowski, Jane, 28
Krautrock, 308
Kris Kross, 1007
Kronberger, Petra, 637
Kubeck, Candalyn, 891
Kudrow, Lisa, 351
Kulik, Ilia, 647
Kushner, Tony, 40, 852
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of, 130, 388, 568
Kwan, Michelle, 59, 647
Kyoto Protocol, 147,495-496

L.A. Confidential, 964
Labor.SeeEmployment; Income;


The Nineties in America
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