The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Norwood, Brandy.SeeBrandy
Nosair, El Sayyid A., 846, 938
“Nothing Compares 2 U”
(O’Connor), 631
Notorious B.I.G., The, 244, 272, 418,
597, 765, 1009
Novello, Antonia Coello, 508,624-
Novoselic, Krist, 612
NOW.SeeNational Organization for
“Nowhere to Go” (Etheridge), 315
NRA.See National Rifle Association
*NSYNC, 117
NTSB.SeeNational Transportation
Safety Board
Nuclear Test Explosions Ban (1992),
Nuclear transfer, 200, 364
Nuclear weapons disarmament, 734
Nunavut Land Claims Agreement
Act (1993), 625
Nunavut Territory, 625
Nursing homes, 293
Nutrition Labeling and Education
Act (1990), 983
Nutty Professor, The, 963
Nuyorican Poets Café, 798
Nye, Bill,625-627
NYPD Blue,627-628
NYSE.See New York Stock Exchange

Oakland Hills fire,629-631
Oates, Joyce Carol, 521
Obesity, 328
O’Brien, Conan, 504
Obscenity, 156, 165, 550, 552, 930
Ocean Shipping Reform Act (1998),
O’Connor, Renée, 948
O’Connor, Sinéad,631-632
O’Connor v. Consolidated Coin Caterers
Corp. (1996), 185
Of Pandas and People(Davis and
Kenyon), 452
Off-Broadway theater, 853
Off-Off-Broadway theater, 853, 890
Ofili, Chris, 424
O’Hara, Paige, 95
Ohio v. Akron Center for Reproductive
Health(1990), 1
Ohio v. Robinette(1996), 823
Oka crisis, 700

Oklahoma City bombing, 542, 572,
632-635, 847
Oklahoma tornado outbreak,635-
Old Age Security Act (1985), 290
Old Age, Survivors, and Disability
Insurance, 786
Old Time Gospel Hour, 322
Olson, Norm, 572
Olympic Games; 1992 Summer
Olympics, 254,636-641; 1992
Winter Olympics, 124, 480,636-
641 , 953; 1994 Winter Olympics,
124, 480,641-642, 815; 1996
Summer Olympics, 254,642-645,
819; 1998 Winter Olympics,646-
647 , 815; corporate sponsorship,
643; hockey, 422; Salt Lake City
bidding scandal, 741; U.S. men’s
basketball, 91, 271-272; women’s
basketball, 92
Olympic Park bombing,647-649, 847
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
(1990), 983
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
(1993), 985
Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services
(1998), 185, 996
Oncogenes and proto-oncogenes,
Ondaatje, Michael, 518,649-650
O’Neal, Shaquille,650-651
O’Neill, Eugene, 23
Oneworld Alliance, 22
Online chat, 451
Online DVD rentals, 280
Online journalism, 474
Online shopping, 33, 943
Open Diary, 107
Operation Desert Shield/Desert
Storm Appropriation Act (1991),
Operation Desert Storm, 130, 389,
569, 753, 797
Operation Provide Hope, 734
Operation Restore Hope, 8
Operation Uphold Democracy, 400
Oprah Winfrey Show, The, 921
Oprah’s Book Club, 112, 922
Orbit, William, 309, 544
Oregon, 671
Oregon v. Smith(1990), 824
O’Reilly, Bill,651-652
O’Reilly Factor, The, 652

Organic food movement, 340,652-
Organic Foods Production Act
(1990), 652
Organized crime.SeeMafia
Orlando Magic, 91, 650
Osborne v. Ohio(1990), 165, 824
Oscars.SeeAcademy Awards
Oslo Accords, 190, 463, 569
Ottawa Treaty.SeeMine Ban Treaty
Out of Sight, 965
Outsourcing, 312, 357,654-656, 940
Ozone layer, 188

Pacific Salmon Treaty, 740
Painting, 55, 424
Palahniuk, Chuck, 657
Palance, Jack, 4
Palestine, 569
Palestinian National Authority, 463
Palm Pilot, 660
Paltrow, Gwyneth,658-659
Panama, invasion of, 130, 616
Pankratov, Denis, 645
Paperwork Reduction Act (1995),
Paradise(Morrison), 112, 586
Paramount Television, 884
Parche, Günter, 764
Pardongate, 198
Parental advisory stickers, 156
Parents’ Music Resource Center, 156
Paris Las Vegas (megaresort), 502
Parizeau, Jacques, 695
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 764
Parker, Trey, 791
Passages books (Sheehy), 768
Patent and Trademark Office, U.S.,
Patents, 456; infringements, 459;
reform, 460
Patriot missile, 659 , 756
Patriot movement, 581
Patterson, Larry, 869
Payne v. Tennessee(1991), 824
Payton, Walter, 341
PDAs.SeePersonal digital assistants
Pearl Jam, 386, 1009
Pearlman, Lou, 117
Pei, I. M., 49, 724
Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act
(1982), 675
People vs. Larry Flynt, The, 322
Peoples, David Webb, 881


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