12, 13, 15, 16, 17-18, 19;opposes Aqa
Mohammad, 20; and Zubov expedition,
40, 41; relations with Russia, 43, 64; ac-
quired by Russia, 72, 87; status under
Russian rule, 145, 146, 149, 150, 152;
sides with Iran in Second Russo-Iranian
War, 158. See also Caucasus (Eastern)
Shusha (Qarabagh): vaqf grants, 14;and
Aqa Mohammad's Caucasian campaigns,
20, 55; besieged by Iran (1826), 158
Siberia, 25,27
Silk, 16,33
Skibinevskii, consul, 48, 57
Skilichii, consul, 34, 35
Slaves and slavery, 15, 17, 110
Soimonov, Peter, 52
Solomon (Imeretia king), 102
Soltan Hosein (Safavi shah), 4, 28
Spain, 129
State Council (Russia), 48
Stroganov, Paul, 61
Suvorov, Alexander, 39, 99
Sweden, 100
Tabriz: 49; claimed by khan of Qarabagh,
19; Tsitsianov wants to take, 73, 95; tak-
en by Russia, 158
Tahmasb II (Safavi shah), 5, 8, 93
Tahmasb Qoli (Afshar khan). See Nader
(Afshar shah)
Talesh: 10; eighteenth century status, 11,
16, 18; attacked by Aqa Mohammad, 19;
acquired by Russia, 86; attitude toward
Russia and Iran, 89; and Treaty of Gole-
stan, 144, 153; status under Russian rule,
145, 146, 149, 152; sides with Iran in
Second Russo-Iranian War, 158. See also
Caucasus (Eastern)
Tatars, 27
Tbilisi: 44; sacked by Aqa Mohammad
(1795), 20, 38, 39, 43; Russian garrison
in, 5 7; Armenian migration to, 149; Rus-
sian trade via, 151-52
Tehran, 10,49
Tilsit, Treaty of, 129
Timur, 72
Torkmanchai, Treaty of, 149, 151, 158-59
Tormasov, Alexander: career and attitudes,
71; plan to kill khan of Derbent-Qobbeh,
87, 109; doubts about Russian prospects
in first war with Iran, 122
Tsitsianov, Paul: instructions from Alexan-
der, 49-50, 64, 65; assumes command in
Caucasus, 67; shares views of V. A. Zu-
bov, 70; activities in Caucasus, 71-85,
86-87; eagerness for war with Iran, 96-
98; attempt to conquer Yerevan, 120-21;
death, 129-30; treatment of 'ulama, 150
Tuchkov, Sergei, 73
Tumanovskii, consul: role in affairs of Gilan,
34; relations with Aqa Mohammad, 35,
44, death, 48
Turcomans: Central Asian raiders of Iran, 8;
status in Eastern Caucasus, 11, 12; oppo-
sition to Iran's Caucasian campaign
(1800), 58
'Ulama (Islamic religious leaders), 128, 150
*Urf (common law), 13
Vakhtang (Bagration king), 6
Vaqf grants, 14, 150
Voinovich, Count, 33, 44
Volkonskii, Prince, 77
Volynskii, Artemii, 4, 28
Vorontsov, Alexander, 49, 61, 62
Vorontsov, Roman, 31
Wahhabis, 113
Warren, John, 124
Welleslev, Richard, 123
Willock, Henry, 155
Yerevan: 10, 130; eighteenth century status,
11, 12, 15, 16; opposes Aqa Mohammad
(1795), 20;and Zubov expedition, 30;
Russian interest in, 30,43, 64, 65; ac-
quired by Russia, 66,86,89; negotiations
with Russia, 67-69; significance in Russo-
Iranian territorial rivalry, 72, 76-77, 81,
120-21, 129, 131;Gudovich's attempted
conquest (1808), 105-6, 132; and Treaty
of Golestan, 144, 153; population shifts,
149, 150; acquired by Russia, 158. See
also Caucasus (Eastern)
Zaman (Dorrani shah), 55
Zamburak (cannon), 110