Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

Zands, 18, 19, 30. See also 'AliMorad,
Karim, Lotf 'All
Zavalishin, Major-General, 105
Zubov brothers: fall from favor under Paul,
47; influence Alexander's policy toward
Iran and Caucasus, 4849,60,61. See
also Zubov, Platon and Zubov, Valerian
Zubov expedition (1796): 25; supported by
Russian elite, 32; plan to oust Aqa Mo-
hammad, 35; activities in Eastern Cauca-
sus, 39-42; Paul cancels, 47; compared
with later Russian involvement in Cauca-
sus, 67

Zubov, Platon: views on Iran, 28; plans cam-
paign in Caucasus and Iran, 39; and Rus-
sia's Black Sea coast, 47; influence on
Alexander's expansionist policy, 48-49;
writes manifesto on Georgia's annexa-
tion, 63
Zubov, Valerian: attitude toward Russian
expansion in Caucasus and Iran, 30; com-
mands Russian expedition (1796), 32,
39, 4042, 44, 45, 54; influences Alex-
ander's expansionist policy, 49; advocates
annexation of Georgia, 62
Zubov-Tsitsianov circle, 70-71

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