Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Subject Index S-5

inferiority complex (Adler), 78
initiative versus guilt, 204f, 208–209
inner states, 477–479
instinctoid needs (Maslow), 268–269
instincts, 112, 146–147
Institute for Child Guidance, 293
integrity versus despair, 204f, 216
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 478–479
in existential psychology (May), 335
in social cognitive theory (Bandura), 504
interaction of opposites, 203
interactionists, 529
intermittent schedule (Skinner), 473
Internal-External (I-E) Control Scale, 529,
530, 540, 541–543
internal reinforcement (Rotter), 534
internalization (Klein), 152–155
International Institute of Social Research, 230
International Psychoanalytic Association, 26,
73, 108, 109
interpersonal relations, of self-actualized
people, 276–277
interpersonal trust (Rotter), 540, 543–544
Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 25–27,
62–63, 66, 107, 258
intimacy versus isolation, 204f, 213,
intrapsychic conflicts, 171, 182–186
intrinsic religious orientation, 375–378
Introduction to Personality (Mischel), 550
introjection (Freud), 42
introjection (Klein), 147, 148, 150–151
in analytical psychology (Jung),
122–126, 126t
in biological factor theory (Eysenck), 415,
415 f, 416 f, 421–422
intuition (Jung), 125–126, 126t
Iowa State University, 569
IQ Argument (Eysenck), 413
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
179 f, 181–182, 182t
in psychosocial development stages
(Erikson), 204f, 213, 222–223
jealousy, 164–165
Jonah complex, 281–282, 335
judgmental process, 512–513
Jung, Carl Gustav, 104–141. See also
analytical psychology (Jung)
biography, 105, 106–110
critique, 138–140
Sigmund Freud and, 105, 107–111, 115,
123–124, 127, 130, 131
publications, 105, 108, 109, 115, 131–132,
Karen Horney Psychoanalytic Institute, 173
Kelly, George A., 567–594. See also personal
construct theory (Kelly)
biography, 569–570
critique, 591–592
philosophy of science, 570–572
publications, 570, 581, 592
Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
(KIMS), 284
Klein, Melanie, 142–169. See also object
relations theory (Klein)
biography, 143, 144–146
Anna Freud and, 143, 146, 162
Sigmund Freud and, 146–147, 152–155
Karen Horney and, 145
publications, 145

methods of investigation, 244–247
overview, 228–229
personality disorders, 241–243, 246–247
psychotherapy, 244
related research, 247–251
humor, 277, 360–361
hypochondriasis, 242
hypothesis, 6–7
in Chicago Studies, 312
testing, 12
hysteria (Freud), 23–24, 25, 52
Hysteroid-Obsessoid Questionnaire, 61
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 200
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 31, 32–33,
32 f, 34, 35f, 59–60
ideal breast, 149
ideal self (Rogers), 298
idealistic principle (Freud), 34–35
idealized parent image, 159
idealized self-image (Horney), 183–185
identification, 45
identity confusion (Erikson), 197, 210,
211–212, 221–222
identity crisis (Erikson), 197, 204
identity versus identity confusion, 204f,
210–212, 221–222
idiographic, 368–369
If-then framework, 6, 295, 553, 560–561. See
also theory
Imperial Society of Physicians (Vienna), 23–24
incestuous feelings, 234
incestuous symbiosis (Fromm), 242–243, 243f,
inclusive fitness, 440, 446–447
incongruence (Rogers), 298, 301, 304–305
independence needs, 537–538
Indiana University, 463
individual differences, in evolutionary theory
(Buss), 442–444
individual psychology (Adler), 70–103
abnormal development, 85–90
applications, 91–96
concept of humanity, 102–103
creative power, 76, 85, 101–102, 103
critique of Adler, 101–102
dreams, 94–95
early recollections (ERs), 92–94, 98–99, 99t
family constellation, 91–92, 93, 93t, 96–98
introduction to, 75–76
masculine protest, 76, 90–91, 100
overview, 71–72
psychotherapy, 95–96
related research, 96–100
safeguarding tendencies, 87–90, 90t
social interest, 81–84, 86, 101
striving for success or superiority, 76–78,
84 f, 100
style of life, 84–85, 87
subjective perceptions, 79–80
unity and self-consistency of personality,
individuality corollary, 575
individuation (Jung), 110, 129–130
inductive method, 7, 384
industry versus inferiority, 204f, 209–210
infantile stage (Freud), 32–33, 43–50
narcissistic needs, 158–159
object relations in. See object relations
theory (Klein)
in psychosocial development stages
(Erikson), 203f, 204 f, 205–206, 217t
temperament in, 410, 448

Graduate Record Exams (GREs), 556–557
grandiose-exhibitionistic self, 158–159
great mother archetype (Jung), 116–117
grit, 318–319
in existential psychology (May), 334–335
in personal construct theory (Kelly), 583,

habits, in biological factor theory (Eysenck),
414, 415f
Harvard University, 356, 357, 431,
434, 463, 549
heart disease, 21, 423–424
helplessness, 180
heritable/genetic sources
of individual differences, 443–444, 446
twin-adoption studies, 397, 410, 418, 421,
426, 450
hero archetype (Jung), 117–118
hesitating (Adler), 89
hierarchy of behavior organization, 414,
415 f, 416 f
hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 262–266, 262f,
higher mental processes, 479
hoarding characters (Fromm), 239–240, 245
holistic approach to motivation
additional needs, 266–267
general discussion of needs, 267–270
hierarchy of needs/conative needs, 262–266,
262 f, 270–278
holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 256–289
concept of humanity, 287–289
critique of Maslow, 286–287
hierarchy of needs, 262–266, 262f, 270–278
Jonah complex, 281–282, 335
motivation, 257, 261–270
overview, 257–258
psychotherapy, 282–283
related research, 283–286
self-actualization, 257, 262f, 265–266,
270–278, 280–281, 283–284
Holland vocational interest types, 98, 99t
Holocaust, 559–560
homosexual identity
in individual psychology (Adler), 97
internalized prejudice and, 588–589
in object relations theory (Klein), 154, 155
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 65
hope, 204f, 206, 216
Horney-Coolidge Tridimensional Inventory
(HCTI), 190–191
Horney, Karen, 170–195. See also
psychoanalytic social theory (Horney)
biography, 172–173
critique, 193
Sigmund Freud and, 171, 172–173,
174, 186
Erich Fromm and, 173, 228, 230–231,
Melanie Klein and, 145
publications, 172, 173–174, 193
human agency (Bandura), 496, 504–510
Human Behavior and Evolutionary Society
(HBES), 453
human dilemma (Fromm), 232
humanistic-existential theories, 8, 9t
humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 227–254
basic assumptions, 231–232
character orientations, 238–241, 244–245,
concept of humanity, 252–253
critique of Fromm, 251–252
human needs, 232–236, 236t

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