Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1
the southwest 247

Virtue. 18 chiefs were made Managers of Lances (Wu-tai hui-yao 30:
2a-2b;Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5034).^30
In the 9th month (Oct./Nov.) of 929, a Tibetan chief was received
at the Later T’ang court. In the 10th month (Nov./Dec.), another chief
came to the court. Both were appointed Managers of Lances (Wu-tai
hui-yao 30:2b; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5034).
In the 4th month (May) of 930, a Tibetan chief presented two yaks
to the Later T’ang (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
On Sep.26, 930, two Tibetan chiefs and their attendants, 30 men in
all, presented 80 horses and one jade lump to the Later T’ang court
(Hsin Wu-tai shih 6:9a; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
On Jan.5, 932, Tibetan envoys were received at the Later T’ang
court (Hsin Wu-tai shih 6:10a).
In the 1st (Feb./Mar.) and 2nd month (Mar./Apr.) of 932, Tibetan
envoys to the Later T’ang court offered gifts. In the 3rd month (Apr./
May), these envoys were appointed to the nominal offices of General-
in-chief, General of the Gentlemen, Chief of Attendants, and Guard
of the Stairs (Wu-tai hui-yao 30:2b; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
On Sep.8, 932, Tibetan envoys to the Later T’ang court were
received in audience by Ming-tsung (Chiu wu-tai shih 43:7b; Ts’e-fu
yüan-kuei p.5035).
In the 11th month (Nov./Dec.) of 933, Tibetan envoys to the Later
T’ang court offered gifts. They were given gold and silk and one tiger
skin each (Wu-tai hui-yao 30:3a; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
In the 10th month (Nov./Dec.) of 939, a Tibetan chief presented
gifts to the Later Chin court (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
In 942, Tibetan envoys from the westernmost part of the Kan-su
Corridor to the Later Chin court offered uncut gems, antelope horns,
Persian brocade, white cotton fabrics from An-hsi in Central Asia,
metallic salts, large borax, and dull jade lumps (Chiu wu-tai shih 138:
On Nov.12, 948, Tibetan envoys to the Later Han presented regional
objects (Chiu wu-tai shih 101:9b).
In 952, Che-pu Chia-shih, who had succeeded Sun Ch’ao as chief,
sent men to the Later Chou to sell horses in the capital (Chiu wu-tai
shih 138:2a).

(^30) Chiu wu-tai shih 138:3a records a joint Tibetan Uighur mission in 928, with-
out giving the month. It is therefore unclear whether this joint mission was in the
intercalary, 9th, or 11th month.

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