Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1
ch’ing-hai 281

to escort the Princess of Hung-hua and presumably No-ho-po to the
T’u-yü-hun territory (Chiu T’ang shu 3:6b; 198:7b; Tzu-chih t’ung-chien
This rapprochement between No-ho-po and T’ai-tsung did not
please the conservative T’u-yü-hun and led to an attempt by the
chancellor to attack the cortège. No-ho-po fled to Shan-shan (Lob-nor)
in the Tarim Basin and was well received by its king. In the following
year, 641, No-ho-po with auxiliary Shan-shan and Chinese troops
defeated the chancellor and killed him and two of his brothers. He
sent envoys to inform T'ai-tsung. The latter responded by dispatching a
Master of Writing of the Ministry of Households (Chiu T’ang shu 198:
8a;Tzu-chih t’ung-chien p.6167).
In the 1st month (Feb./Mar.) of 642, 1st month (Jan./Feb.) of 643,
and 1st month (Feb./Mar.) of 644, presumably on the respective New
Year Days of Feb.5, Jan.26, and Feb.14, T’u-yü-hun envoys offered
regional objects (T’se-fu yüan-kuei p.5024).
On Feb.2, 645, the New Year’s Day, T’u-yü-hun envoys congratu-
lated at the T’ang court and offered gifts (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5024).
In the 1st month (Jan./Feb.) of 646 and 1st month (Feb./Mat.) of
647, presumably on the resepective New Year Days of Jan.22 and
Feb.10, the T’u-yü-hun offered regional objects (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei
In the 12th month (January, 648) of the Chinese year 647, T’ai-
tsung invited the T’ieh-le, Turks, Tibetans, and T’u-yü-hun to join
in a Chinese attack on Kucha in East Turkestan (Tzu-chih t’ung-chien
On Jan.30, 648, the New Year’s Day, T’u-yü-hun envoys offered
gifts (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5025).
In the 12th month (Jan./Feb., 649) of the Chinese year 648, T’u-
yü-hun envoys offered presents (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5025).
After T’ai-tsung’s death on July 10, 649, the image of No-ho-po
was carved in stone and placed at his tomb. T’ai-tsung’s son and
successor Kao-tsung appointed No-ho-po as Chief Commandant of
Attendant Cavalry and presented him with 40 items of objects (Chiu
T’ang shu 198:8a).
In their war during the following years with the Tibetans, the T’u-
yü-hun requested Chinese support but never received it (Chiu T’ang
shu 198:8a).
In the 8th month (Sep./Oct.) of 649, No-ho-po presented horses
and cattle (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5025).

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