Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1

284 ch’ing-hai

In the 1st month (Jan./Feb.) of 941, a T’u-hun chief was received
at the Later Chin court. In the 5th month May/June), another chief
arrived. On Oct.18, still another T’u-hun chief led a mission of 118
men and offered gifts to the Later Chin court (Hsin Wu-tai shih 8:8b;
Wu-tai hui-yao 28:12a; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
In the 3rd month (Mar./Apr.) of 942, a T’u-hun mission of 14
men presented 10 horses to the Later Chin court (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei
In the 4th month (May/June) of 942, Khitan envoys to the Later
Chin court objected to the fact that that Emperor Kao-tsu had given
refuge to the T’u-hun chief Po-ch’eng-fu^9 and his tribe. Kao-tsu con-
sequently expelled them from Chinese territory (Hsin Wu-tai shih 74:
2b;Tzu-chih t’ung-chien p.9236).
On July 19, 942, the T’u-hun offered gifts to the Later Chin court
(Hsin Wu-tai shih 8:9a-9b;Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5035).
On July 18, 945, the T’u-yü-hun offered gifts to the Khitan court
(Liao shih 4:12a; 70:5b).
On Apr.13, 946, the T’u-yü-hun presented 1000 households to the
Khitan court (Liao shih 4:12b).
In 949, T’u-hun envoys arrived at the the Later Han court (Hsin
Wu-tai shih 74:3b).
In the 8th month (Sep./Oct.) of 953, T’u-yü-hun envoys to the
Liao court of Khitan offered gifts (Liao shih 6:2b).
In the 9th month (Oct./Nov.) of 953, a T’u-hun mission was received
at the Later Chou court (Hsin Wu-tai shih 11:6b).
On Nov.14, 971, the T’u-yü-hun offered gifts to the Liao court
(Liao shih 8:3a).
On Oct.10, 994, the T’u-yü-hun offered gifts to the Liao court
(Liao shih 13:5a).
In the 7th month (Aug./Sep.) of 997, the Liao attempted to stop
the T’u-hun from selling horses to the Sung court (Liao-shih 70:9b).
Chinese terminology notwithstanding, the T’u-yü-hun formed an

(^9) Emperor Chuang-tsung of Later T’ang (r.923-926) had previously appointed
this chief as Chief Commandant of two commanderies (fu) and had bestowed on him
the imperial surname of Li and the given name of Shao-lu. When the Last Emperor
of Later Chin (r.942-946) broke with the Khitan, he summoned Po-ch’eng-fu (Li
Shao-lu) to reenter China and appointed him a Military Commissioner. He was
subsequently killed by Liu Chih-yüan, the future founder of the Later Han dynasty
(Hsin Wu-tai shih 74:2b-3a).

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