Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1

334 west turkestan


The regular Chinese name for Bukhara during Sui and T’ang was
An.T’ung-tien and Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao continued to use the earlier
version of An-hsi.
The above-mentioned Attendant of the Director of the Retainers
Tu Hsing-man, who had been dispatched by Emperor Yang of Sui,
travelled as far as Bukhara (Sui shu 83:9a).
In 609, envoys from Bukhara to the Sui court offered gifts (Sui shu
83:9a;T’ung-tien 192:17a; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 337:46b
On Feb.4, 615, the New Year’s Day, Emperor Yang gave a great
banquet for envoys from Bukhara and other states (Sui shu 4:9b)
In the 11th month (Dec./Jan., 639) of the Chinese year 638, envoys
from Bukhara to the T’ang court offered regional objects (Ts’e-fu yüan-
kuei p.5024).
In 639, envoys from Bukhara offered gifts (Chiu T’ang shu 3:6b).
In the 2nd month (Mar./Apr.) of 649, the king of Bukhara presented
regional objects (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5025).
In the 4th month (Apr./May) of 654, envoys from the king of
Bukhara offered gifts (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5025).
In the 9th month (Sep./Oct.) of 659, Emperor Kao-tsung gave the
unrealistic order to establish Chinese commanderies and prefectures
out of Kashgar, Tashkent, Kabådh§n, Kish, M§imargh, Bukhara,
Tokharia, Yi-ta, etc. (Tzu-chih t’ung-chien p.6317).
In the 4th (May/June) and 6th month (June/July) of 697, envoys
from Bukhara offered gifts (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5026).
In the 3rd month (Apr./May) of 717, envoys from Bukhara offered
regional objects (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5027).
In the 2nd (Feb./Mar.) month of 719, the kings of Samarkand and
Bukhara informed the T’ang court that they had been under attack
by the Arabs. In the 3rd month (Mar./Apr.), envoys from Bukhara
presented regional objects (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5027; Tzu-chih t’ung-chien
In the 2nd month (Mar./Apr.) of 726, envoys from Bukhara pre-
sented one male and one female leopard. In the 5th month (June/July),
a younger brother of the king of Bukhara offered horses and a leopard
(Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5028).
In the 5th month (May/June) of 727, Bukhara presented horses
(Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5028).
In the 10th month (Oct./Nov.) of 740, envoys from Bukhara

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